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Автор публикации: Комиссарова Оксана Анатольевна

Фонд оценочных средств ОД 06 для специальности 21.02.13

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МИНИСТЕРСТВО ОБРАЗОВАНИЯ ИРКУТСКОЙ ОБЛАСТИ ГБПОУ ИО «Бодайбинский горный техникум» УТВЕРЖДАЮ:Зам. директора по УР__________ Дружинина Е.К. «____»____________ 2023г.ФОНД ОЦЕНОЧНЫХ СРЕДСТВ ОД 06 ИНОСТРАННЫЙ ЯЗЫК По программе подготовки специалистов среднего звена:21.02.15 Открытые горные работы (квалификация - специалист по горным работам) г. Бодайбо, 2023 г.Организация- разработчик: ГБПОУ ИО «Бодайбинский горный техникум»Разработчик: Комиссарова О.А.- преподаватель ГБПОУ ИО «Бодайбинский горный техникум» Рассмотрена и утверждена на заседании предметно-цикловой комиссии Протокол №_____ от «____»___________2023г.Председатель ПЦК ___________ / Михненко С.С. /СОДЕРЖАНИЕ TOC \o "1-3" \h \z \u Пояснительная записка PAGEREF _Toc125368693 \h 41.Результаты обучения52. Критерии оценивания PAGEREF _Toc125368695 \h 93. Примерный фонд оценочных средств PAGEREF _Toc125368696 \h 30Пояснительная запискаПримерный фонд оценочных средств (далее – ФОС) по общеобразовательной дисциплине «Иностранный язык» разработан на основе требований ФГОС СОО, с учетом профессиональной направленности программ среднего профессионального образования, реализуемых на базе основного общего образования. Основная цель создания примерного фонда оценочных – унификация и стандартизация требований к результатам обучения студентов по следующим направлениям подготовки: «естественно-научный», «технологический», «социально-экономический» и «гуманитарный» и совершенствование содержания общеобразовательной дисциплины для формирования умений и знаний.Профессиональный компонент ФОС отражен в заданиях на перевод и носит научно-популярный характер и может быть применен и использован для тестирования студентов по всем УГПС.1. Результаты обученияКод и наименование формируемых компетенцийПланируемые результаты освоения дисциплиныОбщиеДисциплинарныеОК 01. Выбирать способы решения задач профессиональной деятельности применительно к различным контекстамВ части трудового воспитания:- готовность к труду, осознание ценности мастерства, трудолюбие; - готовность к активной деятельности технологической и социальной направленности, способность инициировать, планировать и самостоятельно выполнять такую деятельность; - интерес к различным сферам профессиональной деятельности, Овладение универсальными учебными познавательными действиями:а) базовые логические действия:- самостоятельно формулировать и актуализировать проблему, рассматривать ее всесторонне; - устанавливать существенный признак или основания для сравнения, классификации и обобщения; - определять цели деятельности, задавать параметры и критерии их достижения;- выявлять закономерности и противоречия в рассматриваемых явлениях; - вносить коррективы в деятельность, оценивать соответствие результатов целям, оценивать риски последствий деятельности; - развивать креативное мышление при решении жизненных проблем б) базовые исследовательские действия:- владеть навыками учебно-исследовательской и проектной деятельности, навыками разрешения проблем; - выявлять причинно-следственные связи и актуализировать задачу, выдвигать гипотезу ее решения, находить аргументы для доказательства своих утверждений, задавать параметры и критерии решения; - анализировать полученные в ходе решения задачи результаты, критически оценивать их достоверность, прогнозировать изменение в новых условиях; -- уметь переносить знания в познавательную и практическую области жизнедеятельности;- уметь интегрировать знания из разных предметных областей; - выдвигать новые идеи, предлагать оригинальные подходы и решения; и способность их использования в познавательной и социальной практике - владеть основными видами речевой деятельности в рамках следующего тематического содержания речи: Межличностные отношения в семье, с друзьями и знакомыми. Конфликтные ситуации, их предупреждение и разрешение. Внешность и характер человека и литературного персонажа. Повседневная жизнь. Здоровый образ жизни. Школьное образование. Выбор профессии. Альтернативы в продолжении образования. Роль иностранного языка в современном мире. Молодежь в современном обществе. Досуг молодежи. Природа и экология. Технический прогресс, современные средства информации и коммуникации, Интернет-безопасность. Родная страна и страна/страны изучаемого языка. Выдающиеся люди родной страны и страны/стран изучаемого языка; Современный мир профессий. Ценностные ориентиры молодежи в современном обществе. Деловое общение. Проблемы современной цивилизации. Россия и мир: вклад России в мировую культуру, науку, техникуговорение: уметь вести разные виды диалога (в том числе комбинированный) в стандартных ситуациях неофициального и официального общения объемом до 10 реплик со стороны каждого собеседника в рамках отобранного тематического содержания речи с соблюдением норм речевого этикета, принятых в стране/странах изучаемого языка;- создавать устные связные монологические высказывания (описание/характеристика, повествование/сообщение) с изложением своего мнения и краткой аргументацией объемом 17-18 фраз в рамках отобранного тематического содержания речи; передавать основное содержание прочитанного/прослушанного текста с выражением своего отношения; устно представлять в объеме 17-18 фраз результаты выполненной проектной работы;- аудирование: воспринимать на слух и понимать звучащие до 3,5 минут аутентичные тексты, содержащие отдельные неизученные языковые явления, не препятствующие решению коммуникативной задачи, с разной глубиной проникновения в содержание текста: с пониманием основного содержания, с пониманием нужной/интересующей/запрашиваемой информации;- смысловое чтение: читать про себя и понимать несложные аутентичные тексты разного вида, жанра и стиля объемом 700-900 слов, содержащие отдельные неизученные языковые явления, с различной глубиной проникновения в содержание текста: с пониманием основного содержания, с пониманием нужной/интересующей/запрашиваемой информации, с полным пониманием прочитанного; читать несплошные тексты (таблицы, диаграммы, графики) и понимать представленную в них информацию;письменная речь: заполнять анкеты и формуляры, сообщая о себе основные сведения, в соответствии с нормами, принятыми в стране/странах изучаемого языка;- писать электронное сообщение личного характера объемом до 140 слов, соблюдая принятый речевой этикет; создавать письменные высказывания объемом до 180 слов с опорой на план, картинку, таблицу, график, диаграмму и/или прочитанный/прослушанный текст объемом до 250 слов; комментировать информацию, высказывание, цитату, пословицу с выражением и аргументацией своего мнения;- владеть фонетическими навыками: различать на слух и адекватно, без ошибок, ведущих к сбою коммуникации, произносить слова с правильным ударением и фразы с соблюдением их ритмико-интонационных особенностей, в том числе применять правило отсутствия фразового ударения на служебных словах; владеть правилами чтения и осмысленно читать вслух аутентичные тексты объемом до 150 слов, построенные в основном на изученном языковом материале, с соблюдением правил чтения и интонации; овладение орфографическими навыками в отношении изученного лексического материала; овладение пунктуационными навыками: использовать запятую при перечислении, обращении и при выделении вводных слов; апостроф, точку, вопросительный и восклицательный знаки;не ставить точку после заголовка; правильно оформлять прямую речь, электронное сообщение личного характера;- знать и понимание основных значений изученных лексических единиц (слов, словосочетаний, речевых клише), основных способов словообразования (аффиксация, словосложение, конверсия) и особенностей структуры простых и сложных предложений и различных коммуникативных типов предложений;выявление признаков изученных грамматических и лексических явлений по заданным основаниям;- владеть навыками распознавания и употребления в устной и письменной речи не менее 1650 лексических единиц (слов, словосочетаний, речевых клише), включая 1350 лексических единиц, освоенных на уровне основного общего образования; навыками употребления родственных слов, образованных с помощью аффиксации, словосложения, конверсии;- владеть навыками распознавания и употребления в устной и письменной речи изученных морфологических форм и синтаксических конструкций изучаемого иностранного языка в рамках тематического содержания речи в соответствии с решаемой коммуникативной задачей;- владеть социокультурными знаниями и умениями: знать/понимать речевые различия в ситуациях официального и неофициального общения в рамках тематического содержания речи и использовать лексико-грамматические средства с учетом этих различий; знать/понимать и использовать в устной и письменной речи наиболее употребительную тематическую фоновую лексику и реалии страны/стран изучаемого языка (например, система образования, страницы истории, основные праздники, этикетные особенности общения); иметь базовые знания о социокультурном портрете и культурном наследии родной страны и страны/стран изучаемого языка; представлять родную страну и ее культуру на иностранном языке; проявлять уважение к иной культуре; соблюдать нормы вежливости в межкультурном общении;- владеть компенсаторными умениями, позволяющими в случае сбоя коммуникации, а также в условиях дефицита языковых средств использовать различные приемы переработки информации: при говорении - переспрос; при говорении и письме - описание/перифраз/толкование; при чтении и аудировании - языковую и контекстуальную догадку;- уметь сравнивать, классифицировать, систематизировать и обобщать по существенным признакам изученные языковые явления (лексические и грамматические);- иметь опыт практической деятельности в повседневной жизни: участвовать в учебно-исследовательской, проектной деятельности предметного и межпредметного характера с использованием материалов на изучаемом иностранном языке и применением информационно-коммуникационных технологий; соблюдать правила информационной безопасности в ситуациях повседневной жизни и при работе в информационно-телекоммуникационной сети "Интернет" (далее - сеть Интернет); использовать приобретенные умения и навыки в процессе онлайн-обучения иностранному языку; использовать иноязычные словари и справочники, в том числе информационно-справочные системы в электронной форме;-осуществлять межличностное и межкультурное общение на основе знаний о социокультурном портрете и культурном наследии родной страны и страны/стран изучаемого языка.ОК 02. Использовать современные средства поиска, анализа и интерпретации информации, и информационные технологии для выполнения задач профессиональной деятельностиВ области ценности научного познания:-сформированность мировоззрения, соответствующего современному уровню развития науки и общественной практики, основанного на диалоге культур, способствующего осознанию своего места в поликультурном мире; - совершенствование языковой и читательской культуры как средства взаимодействия между людьми и познания мира; - осознание ценности научной деятельности, готовность осуществлять проектную и исследовательскую деятельность индивидуально и в группе. Овладение универсальными учебными познавательными действиями:в) работа с информацией:- владеть навыками получения информации из источников разных типов, самостоятельно осуществлять поиск, анализ, систематизацию и интерпретацию информации различных видов и форм представления; - создавать тексты в различных форматах с учетом назначения информации и целевой аудитории, выбирая оптимальную форму представления и визуализации; - оценивать достоверность, легитимность информации, ее соответствие правовым и морально-этическим нормам; - использовать средства информационных и коммуникационных технологий в решении когнитивных, коммуникативных и организационных задач с соблюдением требований эргономики, техники безопасности, гигиены, ресурсосбережения, правовых и этических норм, норм информационной безопасности; - владеть навыками распознавания и защиты информации, информационной безопасности личности- владеть социокультурными знаниями и умениями: знать/понимать речевые различия в ситуациях официального и неофициального общения в рамках тематического содержания речи и использовать лексико-грамматические средства с учетом этих различий; знать/понимать и использовать в устной и письменной речи наиболее употребительную тематическую фоновую лексику и реалии страны/стран изучаемого языка (например, система образования, страницы истории, основные праздники, этикетные особенности общения); иметь базовые знания о социокультурном портрете и культурном наследии родной страны и страны/стран изучаемого языка; представлять родную страну и ее культуру на иностранном языке; проявлять уважение к иной культуре; соблюдать нормы вежливости в межкультурном общении;- владеть компенсаторными умениями, позволяющими в случае сбоя коммуникации, а также в условиях дефицита языковых средств использовать различные приемы переработки информации: при говорении - переспрос; при говорении и письме - описание/перифраз/толкование; при чтении и аудировании - языковую и контекстуальную догадку;- уметь сравнивать, классифицировать, систематизировать и обобщать по существенным признакам изученные языковые явления (лексические и грамматические);-иметь опыт практической деятельности в повседневной жизни: участвовать в учебно-исследовательской, проектной деятельности предметного и межпредметного характера с использованием материалов на изучаемом иностранном языке и применением информационно-коммуникационных технологий; соблюдать правила информационной безопасности в ситуациях повседневной жизни и при работе в информационно-телекоммуникационной сети "Интернет" (далее - сеть Интернет); использовать приобретенные умения и навыки в процессе онлайн-обучения иностранному языку; использовать иноязычные словари и справочники, в том числе информационно-справочные системы в электронной формеОК 04. Эффективно взаимодействовать и работать в коллективе и командеготовность к саморазвитию, самостоятельности и самоопределению; -овладение навыками учебно-исследовательской, проектной и социальной деятельности; Овладение универсальными коммуникативными действиями:б) совместная деятельность:- понимать и использовать преимущества командной и индивидуальной работы; - принимать цели совместной деятельности, организовывать и координировать действия по ее достижению: составлять план действий, распределять роли с учетом мнений участников обсуждать результаты совместной работы; - координировать и выполнять работу в условиях реального, виртуального и комбинированного взаимодействия; - осуществлять позитивное стратегическое поведение в различных ситуациях, проявлять творчество и воображение, быть инициативным.Овладение универсальными регулятивными действиями:г) принятие себя и других людей:- принимать мотивы и аргументы других людей при анализе результатов деятельности; - признавать свое право и право других людей на ошибки; - развивать способность понимать мир с позиции другого человека- говорение: уметь вести разные виды диалога (в том числе комбинированный) в стандартных ситуациях неофициального и официального общения объемом до 9 реплик со стороны каждого собеседника в рамках отобранного тематического содержания речи с соблюдением норм речевого этикета, принятых в стране/странах изучаемого языка; создавать устные связные монологические высказывания (описание/характеристика, повествование/сообщение) с изложением своего мнения и краткой аргументацией объемом 14-15 фраз в рамках отобранного тематического содержания речи; передавать основное содержание прочитанного/прослушанного текста с выражением своего отношения; устно представлять в объеме 14-15 фраз результаты выполненной проектной работы;-иметь опыт практической деятельности в повседневной жизни: участвовать в учебно-исследовательской, проектной деятельности предметного и межпредметного характера с использованием материалов на изучаемом иностранном языке и применением информационно-коммуникационных технологий; соблюдать правила информационной безопасности в ситуациях повседневной жизни и при работе в информационно-телекоммуникационной сети "Интернет" (далее - сеть Интернет); использовать приобретенные умения и навыки в процессе онлайн-обучения иностранному языку; использовать иноязычные словари и справочники, в том числе информационно-справочные системы в электронной форме;осуществлять межличностное и межкультурное общение на основе знаний о социокультурном портрете и культурном наследии родной страны и страны/стран изучаемого языкаОК 09. Пользоваться профессиональной документацией на государственном и иностранном языкахналичие мотивации к обучению и личностному развитию; В области ценности научного познания:- сформированность мировоззрения, соответствующего современному уровню развития науки и общественной практики, основанного на диалоге культур, способствующего осознанию своего места в поликультурном мире; - совершенствование языковой и читательской культуры как средства взаимодействия между людьми и познания мира; - осознание ценности научной деятельности, готовность осуществлять проектную и исследовательскую деятельность индивидуально и в группе Овладение универсальными учебными познавательными действиями:б) базовые исследовательские действия:- владеть навыками учебно-исследовательской и проектной деятельности, навыками разрешения проблем;- способность и готовность к самостоятельному поиску методов решения практических задач, применению различных методов познания; - овладение видами деятельности по получению нового знания, его интерпретации, преобразованию и применению в различных учебных ситуациях, в том числе при создании учебных и социальных проектов; - формирование научного типа мышления, владение научной терминологией, ключевыми понятиями и методами; -осуществлять целенаправленный поиск переноса средств и способов действия в профессиональную среду-аудирование: воспринимать на слух и понимать звучащие до 3,5 минут аутентичные тексты, содержащие отдельные неизученные языковые явления, не препятствующие решению коммуникативной задачи, с разной глубиной проникновения в содержание текста: с пониманием основного содержания, с пониманием нужной/интересующей/запрашиваемой информации;-владеть навыками распознавания и употребления в устной и письменной речи не менее 1650 лексических единиц (слов, словосочетаний, речевых клише), включая 1350 лексических единиц, освоенных на уровне основного общего образования; навыками употребления родственных слов, образованных с помощью аффиксации, словосложения, конверсии;-иметь опыт практической деятельности в повседневной жизни: участвовать в учебно-исследовательской, проектной деятельности предметного и межпредметного характера с использованием материалов на изучаемом иностранном языке и применением информационно-коммуникационных технологий; соблюдать правила информационной безопасности в ситуациях повседневной жизни и при работе в информационно-телекоммуникационной сети "Интернет" (далее - сеть Интернет); использовать приобретенные умения и навыки в процессе онлайн-обучения иностранному языку; использовать иноязычные словари и справочники, в том числе информационно-справочные системы в электронной форме2. Критерии оценивания 2.1. Критерии оценивания монологической речиОценивание производится по нескольким параметрам, в соответствии со шкалой CEFR для данного уровня. Общая оценка рассчитывается как среднее арифметическое по каждому критерию. Пример:Содержание ОрганизацияЯзыкИтогоСтудент 19757Студент 23596 БаллыРешение коммуникативной задачи (содержание)*Организация высказыванияЯзыковое оформление высказывания9-10 (5)Коммуникативная задача выполнена полностью – содержание полно, точно и развёрнуто отражает все аспекты, указанные в задании (12–15 фраз)Высказывание логично; имеет завершённый характер (имеются вступительная с обращением к другу и заключительная фразы); средства логической связи используются правильноИспользуемый словарный запас, грамматические структуры, фонетическое оформление высказывания соответствуют поставленной задаче, есть незначительные лексико-грамматические ошибки, которые не мешают пониманию высказывания, интонация и произношение в целом, не мешает пониманию7-8 (4)Коммуникативная задача выполнена в основном: 1 аспект не раскрыт (остальные раскрыты полно),ИЛИ 1–2 аспекта раскрыты неполно/ неточно (12–15 фраз)Высказывание логично; имеет завершённый характер (имеются вступительная с обращением к другу и заключительная фразы); средства логической связи используются, в целом, правильноИспользуемый словарный запас, грамматические структуры, фонетическое оформление высказывания соответствуют поставленной задаче, допускаются лексико-грамматические и фонетические ошибки, не влияющие на понимание5-6 (3)Коммуникативная задача выполнена не полностью: 1 аспект не раскрыт и 1 раскрыт неполно/неточно,ИЛИ 3 аспекта раскрыты неполно/неточно (10–11 фраз)Высказывание в основном логично и имеет достаточно завершенный характер, допускается недостаточное использование средств логической связиИспользуемый словарный запас, грамматические структуры, фонетическое оформление высказывания в основном соответствуют поставленной задаче3-4 (2)Коммуникативная задача выполнена частично: 1 аспект содержания не раскрыт и 2 раскрыты неполно/неточно,ИЛИ 2 аспекта не раскрыты (остальные раскрыты полно) ИЛИ все аспекты раскрыты неполно/неточно (8–9 фраз)Высказывание не вполне логично и не имеет завершенного характера, средства логической связи используются недостаточно или отсутствуютЯзыковое оформление частично соответствует поставленной задаче есть фонетические и лексико-грамматические ошибки, мешающие пониманию высказывания1-2 (1)Коммуникативная задача выполнена менее чем на 50%: 3 и более аспекта содержания не раскрыты,ИЛИ 2 аспекта не раскрыты и 1 и более раскрыты неполно/неточно, объём высказывания – 7 и менее фразВысказывание нелогичноИ/ИЛИ не имеет завершенного характера, вступительная и заключительная фразы отсутствуют, средства логической связи практически не используютсяПонимание высказывания затруднено из-за многочисленных ошибок ИЛИ ответ носит характер набора слов2.2. Критерии оценивания диалогической речи (диалог, ролевая игра)А) ДиалогОценивание производится по нескольким параметрам, в соответствии со шкалой CEFR для данного уровня. Общая оценка рассчитывается как среднее арифметическое по каждому критерию. Пример:Интерактивная коммуникацияДискурсЯзыковое оформление высказыванияИтогоСтудент 19757Студент 23596 БаллыИнтерактивная коммуникацияДискурсЯзыковое оформление высказывания9-10 (5)Относительно легко взаимодействует с партнером, давая ему внести свой вклад в диалог.Способен поддержать разговор для достижения целиПаузы носят естественный характерВоспроизводит длинные распространенные фразы и предложения с легкостью без задержекВысказывания по теме, логичны и разнообразныИспользует широкий репертуар слов логической связи и дискурсивных маркеровИспользуемый словарный запас, грамматические структуры, фонетическое оформление высказывания соответствуют поставленной задаче, есть незначительные лексико-грамматические ошибки, которые не мешают пониманию высказывания, интонация и произношение в целом, не мешает пониманию7-8 (4)Самостоятельно инициирует диалог.Дополняет сказанное партнером,Поддерживает разговор до достижения результата.Паузы могут быть для поиска словВоспроизводит длинные распространенные фразы и предложения с небольшими задержкамиВысказывания по теме, логичны и разнообразныИспользует репертуар слов логической связи и дискурсивных маркеровИспользуемый словарный запас, грамматические структуры, фонетическое оформление высказывания соответствуют поставленной задаче, допускаются лексико-грамматические и фонетические ошибки, не влияющие на понимание5-6 (3)Может самостоятельно инициировать диалог.Дополняет сказанное партнеромПоддерживает разговор до достижения результата.Паузы могут быть для поиска слов.Высказывания не полныеВоспроизводит длинные распространенные фразы и предложения несмотря на задержкуВысказывания по теме логичныИспользует некоторые слова логической связи и дискурсивных маркеровИспользуемый словарный запас, грамматические структуры, фонетическое оформление высказывания в основном соответствуют поставленной задаче3-4 (2)Нуждается в поддержке для создания диалога, в основном реагирует на высказывания партнераДополняет сказанное партнером одним-двумя словамиНе может поддержать разговор до достижения результата.Паузы могут быть некомфортно длиннымиВысказывания не полныеВоспроизводит короткие фразы и предложения несмотря на задержкуВысказывания по теме в целом логичныИспользует некоторые слова логической связи и дискурсивных маркеровЯзыковое оформление частично соответствует поставленной задаче есть фонетические и лексико-грамматические ошибки, мешающие пониманию высказывания1-2 (1)Нуждается в поддержке для создания диалога, реагирует только на высказывания партнераНе может поддержать разговор до достижения результата.Паузы могут быть некомфортно длиннымиВысказывания не полныеВоспроизводит короткие фразы и слова, несмотря на задержкуВысказывания не всегда по темеИспользует некоторые слова логической связи и дискурсивных маркеровПонимание высказывания затруднено из-за многочисленных ошибок ИЛИ ответ носит характер набора словВ) Ролевая играШкала оценивания:Окончательная оценка3 – проявлено на творческом уровне«5» - 30-202 – проявлено полностью«4» - 19-151 – проявлено частично«3» - 14-110 – не проявлено«2» - 10№ Параметры критериев Подготовительный этап1Понимание темы, цели учебно-игрового занятия, изучение основных проблем содержательного материала игры2Ознакомление с реальной ситуацией и построение имитационной, ситуационной или условной модели3Разработка сценария, правил игры, распределение ролей, формирование игровых групп, подготовка оборудования4Инициатива, готовность к сотрудничеству Игра5Объем и качество знаний по проблемам игры, их личностная освоенность (свобода оперирования)6Реализация правил игры, соблюдение оптимального соотношения условности и серьезности7Уровень импровизации8Активность, умение переключаться, управлять своим вниманием9Коммуникативность; умение сотрудничать, владение речевым, слушательским и читательским опытом общения10Способность к восприятию игровой ситуации, готовность к решению поставленных проблем с позиции роли Общий балл Окончательная оценка2.3. Критерии оценивания письменной речи Данный пункт предусматривает критерии оценки различных типов письменной речи, реализуемых в курсе (заполнение формы-резюме, письма официально-делового и личного характера (например, письмо другу), постеры, статьи, отзывы, эссе). Оценивание производится по нескольким параметрам, в соответствии со шкалой CEFR для данного уровня. Общая оценка рассчитывается как среднее арифметическое по каждому критерию. Пример:Содержание ОрганизацияЯзыкИтогоСтудент 19757Студент 23596Баллы/ ОценкаСодержаниеОрганизацияЯзык9-10 (5)Коммуникативная задача решена полностьюПисьмо построено логично. Имеются средства логической связи. Присутствует деление на абзацы (если необходимо). Текст выстроен в соответствии с правилами оформления определенного вида письмаЯзыковое оформление соответствует поставленной коммуникативной задаче. Используются разнообразные конструкции, верная лексическая сочетаемость. Верное использование лексических и грамматических единиц. Возможны небольшие орфографические ошибки, редкие грамматические ошибки, не затрудняющие понимания7-8 (4)Коммуникативная задача решена полностьюПисьмо построено в основном логично. Имеются средства логической связи. Присутствует деление на абзацы (если необходимо). Текст выстроен в соответствии с правилами оформления определенного вида письмаЯзыковое оформление соответствует поставленной коммуникативной задаче. Используются разнообразные конструкции, есть ошибки в лексической сочетаемости. В основном верное использование лексических и грамматических единиц. Возможны небольшие орфографические ошибки, редкие лексико-грамматические ошибки, не затрудняющие понимания5-6 (3)Коммуникативная задача решена, но некоторые пункты не раскрыты. /Коммуникативная задача решена, но читателю приходится интерпретировать высказывание автора. Контекст задан неверноПисьмо построено в основном логично. Имеются средства логической связи. Присутствует деление на абзацы (если необходимо). Текст в основном выстроен в соответствии с правилами оформления определенного вида письмаЯзыковое оформление в основном соответствует поставленной коммуникативной задаче. В основном верное использование лексических и грамматических единиц. Возможны небольшие орфографические ошибки, редкие лексико-грамматические ошибки, затрудняющие понимание4-3 (2)Коммуникативная задача решена частичноПисьмо построено в основном логично. Отсутствуют средства логической связи. Отсутствует деление на абзацы (если необходимо). Текст выстроен не в соответствии с правилами оформления определенного вида письмаЯзыковое оформление в основном соответствует поставленной коммуникативной задаче. В основном верное использование лексических и грамматических единиц. Присутствуют частые орфографические и лексико-грамматические ошибки, затрудняющие понимание1-2 (1)Коммуникативная задача решена частично. Попытка решить коммуникативную задачу с ответом, трудным для понимания и требующим интерпретации со стороны читателяПисьмо построено нелогично. Отсутствуют средства логической связи. Отсутствует деление на абзацы (если необходимо). Текст выстроен не в соответствии с правилами оформления определенного вида письмаЯзыковое оформление соответствует поставленной коммуникативной задаче. Частое неверное использование лексических и грамматических единиц. Присутствуют частые орфографические и лексико-грамматические ошибки, затрудняющие понимание0Содержание не соответствует цели письма. Работа не выполнена. Количество слов меньше необходимого минимумаПисьмо построено нелогично. Отсутствуют средства логической связи. Отсутствует деление на абзацы (если необходимо). Текст выстроен не в соответствии с правилами оформления определенного вида письмаЯзыковое оформление не соответствует поставленной коммуникативной задаче. Присутствуют множественные ошибки, затрудняющие понимание2.4. Критерии оценивания тестовКаждый правильный ответ в тесте приравнивается к одному баллу, если не указана иная шкала. Баллы суммируются и вычисляется процентное соотношение количества правильных ответов. Далее процентное соотношение переводится в балл количественной оценки. Таблица перевода количества правильных ответов в тестировании в баллы 40%0 баллов40-45%1 балл46-51%2 балла52-57%3 балла58-63%4 балла64-69%5 баллов70-75%6 баллов76-81%7 баллов82-87%8 баллов88-93%9 баллов94-100%10 баллов2.5. Критерии оценивания заданий по переводуОбъем перевода:Уровень В1 1100-1200 п.з. за 30 минут. Перевод со словарем.Уровень А2 900-1100 п.з. за 30 минут. Перевод со словарем.Уровень А1 500 - 700 п.з. за 30 минут. Перевод со словарем.Оценка (балл)Критерии9-10 (5)Перевод выполнен в полном объеме и в соответствии с общими критериями адекватности и эквивалентности. Полное соответствие стилистическим нормам и узусу языка перевода. Допущены 2 ошибки в лексико-грамматических трансформациях при переводе7-8 (4)Перевод выполнен, в целом, в соответствии с общими критериями адекватности и эквивалентности. Допущены 3-4 ошибки, снижающие качество текста перевода из-за отклонения от стилистических, лексико-синтаксических норм языка перевода или, когда 10% текста не переведено за отведенное время 4-6 (3)При переводе допущены 5-6 ошибок значительно снижающие качество текста перевода из-за отклонения от стилистических, лексико-синтаксических норм языка перевода или, когда 20% текста не переведено за отведенное время1-3 (2)Перевод не соответствует критериям адекватности и эквивалентности или более 30% текста не переведено за отведенное времяКритерии оценивания формальной и неформальной дискуссииОценивание производится по нескольким параметрам, в соответствии со шкалой CEFR для данного уровня. Общая оценка рассчитывается как среднее арифметическое по каждому критерию. Пример:Интерактивная коммуникацияЯзыковое оформление высказыванияИтогоСтудент 1978Студент 2354БаллИнтерактивная коммуникацияЯзыковое оформление высказывания9-10 (5)В целом следит за тем, что говорится, хотя иногда может просить повторить или уточнить, если обсуждение быстрое или продолжительное. Объясняет, почему что-то является проблемой, обсуждает, что делать дальше, а также может сравнить и противопоставить альтернативы. Дает краткие комментарии по поводу мнений других людейИспользуемый словарный запас, грамматические структуры, фонетическое оформление высказывания соответствуют поставленной задаче, есть незначительные лексико-грамматические ошибки, которые не мешают пониманию высказывания, интонация и произношение в целом, не мешает пониманию. Используются разнообразные средства логической связи7-8 (4)Большую часть дискуссии следит за тем, что говорится, и, при необходимости, может попросить повторить часть того, что кто-то сказал, чтобы подтвердить взаимопониманиеДает понять свое мнение и реакцию относительно возможных решений или вопроса о том, что делать дальше, приводя краткие причины и объяснения.Предлагает другим высказать свое мнение о том, как действовать дальшеИспользуемый словарный запас, грамматические структуры, фонетическое оформление высказывания соответствуют поставленной задаче, допускаются лексико-грамматические и фонетические ошибки, не влияющие на понимание. Используются средства логической связи5-6 (3)Понимает достаточно, чтобы участвовать в обсуждении простых рутинных задач без излишних усилий, очень просто требуя повторения, когда не понимает.Может обсуждать, что делать дальше, вносить предложения и отвечать на них, а также спрашивать и давать указанияИспользуемый словарный запас, грамматические структуры, фонетическое оформление высказывания в основном соответствуют поставленной задаче. Используются базовые средства логической связи3-4 (2)Демонстрирует понимание и дает понимание, когда не понимает нить обсуждения.Общаться на тему простых рутинных задач, используя простые фразы, чтобы просить и предоставлять вещи, получатьпростую информацию и обсуждать, что делать дальшеЯзыковое оформление частично соответствует поставленной задаче есть фонетические и лексико-грамматические ошибки, мешающие пониманию высказывания. Редко используются базовые средства логической связи1-2 (1)Понимает вопросы и инструкции, адресованные им тщательно и медленно, и следовать коротким, простым указаниям.Действует по основным инструкциям, которые включают время, местоположение, номера и т.д.Может просить людей о чем-то и давать им что-тоПонимание высказывания затруднено из-за многочисленных ошибок ИЛИ ответ носит характер набора слов2.7 Критерии оценивания проекта СодержаниеТехнология выполненияСамостоятельность выполненияПрезентация9-10 (5)Правильно поняты цель, задачи выполнения проекта.Продемонстрировано понимание содержания выполненной работы. Продемонстрировано свободное владение предметом проектной деятельности. Ошибки отсутствуют. Грамотно и обоснованно в соответствии с рассматриваемой проблемой(темой) используются имеющиеся знания и способы действий. В работе и в ответах на вопросы по содержанию работы отсутствуют грубые ошибкиСоблюдена технология исполнения проекта. Работа спланирована и последовательно реализована самостоятельно, своевременно пройдены все необходимые этапы обсуждения и представления. Контроль и коррекция осуществлялись самостоятельно. Проявляются отдельные элементы самооценки и самоконтроля обучающегося.Проявлены творчество, инициатива.Работа свидетельствует о способности самостоятельно ставить проблему и находить пути её решения; продемонстрировано свободное владение логическими операциями, навыками критического мышления, умение самостоятельно мыслить; продемонстрирована способность приобретать новые знания и/или осваивать новые способы действий, достигать более глубокого понимания изученногоТема ясно определена и пояснена. Текст/сообщение хорошо структурированы. Все мысли выражены ясно, логично, последовательно, аргументировано. Автор владеет культурой общения с аудиторией. Работа/сообщение вызывает большой интерес. Автор свободно и аргументировано отвечает на вопросы. В речи отсутствуют ошибки. Широко используются средства логической связи8-7 (4)Правильно поняты цель, задачи выполнения проекта.Продемонстрировано понимание содержания выполненной работы. Продемонстрировано владение предметом проектной деятельности. Грамотно и обоснованно в соответствии с рассматриваемой проблемой(темой) используются имеющиеся знания и способы действий. В работе и в ответах на вопросы по содержанию работы отсутствуют грубые ошибкиСоблюдена технология исполнения проекта, но допущены незначительные ошибки, неточности в оформлении.Работа спланирована и последовательно реализована под контролем и при поддержке руководителя, своевременно пройдены все необходимые этапы обсуждения и представления. Контроль и коррекция осуществлялись под контролем и при поддержке руководителя.Проявляются отдельные элементы самооценки и самоконтроля обучающегосяПроявлено творчество.Работа свидетельствует о способности самостоятельно или с опорой на помощь руководителя ставить проблему и находить пути её решения; продемонстрировано владение логическими операциями, навыками критического мышления, умение самостоятельно мыслить; продемонстрирована способность приобретать новые знания и/или осваивать новые способы действий, достигать более глубокого понимания изученного Тема ясно определена и пояснена. Текст/сообщение хорошо структурированы. Все мысли выражены ясно, логично, последовательно, аргументировано. Работа/сообщение вызывает некоторый интерес. Автор свободно отвечает на вопросы. В речи отсутствуют грубые ошибки, искажающие смысл. В целом используются средства логической связи6-5 (3)Правильно поняты цель, задачи выполнения проекта.Продемонстрировано общее понимание содержания выполненной работы. Продемонстрировано частичное владение предметом проектной деятельности. Имеющиеся знания и способы действий в целом используются в соответствии с рассматриваемой проблемой(темой). В работе и в ответах на вопросы по содержанию работы отсутствуют ошибкиДопущены нарушения в технологии исполнения проекта, его оформлении Работа спланирована и последовательно реализована под контролем и при поддержке руководителя, большинство необходимых этапов пройдено своевременно. Контроль и коррекция осуществлялись под контролем и при поддержке руководителяНе проявлена самостоятельность в исполнении проекта.Работа свидетельствует о способности ставить проблему и находить пути её решения с опорой на помощь руководителя; продемонстрировано частичное владение логическими операциями, навыками критического мышления; способность приобретать новые знания и/или осваивать новые способы действий, достигать более глубокого понимания изученного материала не проявлена Продемонстрированы навыки оформления проектной работы и пояснительной записки, а также подготовки простой презентации. Автор отвечает на вопросы.В речи присутствуют ошибки. Иногда используются средства логической связи4-3 (2)Цель и задачи выполнения проекта поняты частично.Продемонстрировано частичное владение предметом проектной деятельности. В работе и в ответах на вопросы по содержанию работы присутствуют ошибкиПроект не выполнен или не завершен.Работа спланирована и реализована под контролем и при поддержке руководителя, все необходимые этапы пройдены несвоевременно. Контроль и коррекция осуществлялись под контролем руководителя Работа свидетельствует о неспособности ставить проблему и находить пути её решения; продемонстрировано частичное владение логическими операциями, способность приобретать новые знания и/или осваивать новые способы действий, достигать более глубокого понимания изученного материала не проявленаПродемонстрированы навыки оформления проектной работы и пояснительной записки, а также подготовки простой презентации. Автор не отвечает на вопросы.В речи присутствуют ошибки. Средства логической связи практически отсутствуют2-1 (1)Цель и задачи выполнения проекта не поняты.Продемонстрировано слабое владение предметом проектной деятельности. В работе и в ответах на вопросы по содержанию работы присутствуют грубые ошибкиПроект не выполнен или не завершен.Работа спланирована и реализована под контролем и при поддержке руководителя, все необходимые этапы пройдены несвоевременно. Контроль и коррекция не осуществлялисьПроект не выполнен или не завершенНавыки оформления проектной работы и пояснительной записки не продемонстрированы. Автор не отвечает на вопросы.В речи присутствуют ошибки, в том числе искажающие смысл. Средства логической связи отсутствуют 2.8. Критерии оценки письменной речиА) Заполнение формы-резюмеЗадание на заполнение формы-резюме относится к виду речевой деятельности «Письмо» и поэтому все критерии оценки данной речевой деятельности соответствуют данному типы заданий. Письмо:заполнение формы-резюме (анкет/ формуляров/документации)Отлично ставится студенту, который сумел:1.  заполнить/ составить документы (анкеты, автобиографии и др.);2.  сообщить общие сведения о себе в соответствии с формой, принятой в стране изучаемого языка.Языковые средства были употреблены правильно, отсутствовали ошибки, нарушающие коммуникацию, или они были незначительны (1-4). Используемая лексика соответствовала поставленной коммуникативной задаче. Демонстрировалось умение преодолевать лексические трудности. Содержание документации было понятно носителю языкаХорошо ставится студенту, который сумел:1.  заполнить / составить документы (анкеты. автобиографии и др.);2. сообщить общие сведения о себе в соответствии с формой, принятой в стране изучаемого языка.Языковые средствабыли употреблены правильно. Однако наблюдались некоторые языковые ошибки, не нарушившие понимание содержания (допускается 5-8). Используемая лексика соответствовала поставленной коммуникативной задаче. Демонстрировалосьумение преодолевать лексические трудности. Содержание документации было понятно носителю языкаУдовлетворительно ставится студенту, который сумел:1.  заполнить / составить документы (анкеты. автобиографии и др.);2. сообщить общие сведения о себе в соответствии с формой, принятой в стране изучаемого языка.Учащийся сумел в основном решить поставленную речевую задачу, но диапазон языковых средств был ограничен. Были допущены ошибки (9-12), нарушившие понимание составленной документацииНеудовлетворительно ставится студенту, который не сумелзаполнить/составить документы;2. сообщить общие сведения о себе в соответствии с формой, принятой в стране изучаемого языка.Учащийся сумел в основном решить поставленную речевую задачу, но диапазон языковых средств был ограничен. Были допущены многочисленные ошибки, нарушившие понимание составленной документацииB) Личное письмо (письмо другу)№ Критерии оценивания3 балла2 балла1 балл0 балловК1Решение коммуникативной задачиЗадание выполнено полностью: даны полные ответы на три заданных вопроса. Правильно выбрано обращение, завершающая фраза и подпись.Есть благодарность, упоминание о предыдущих контактах, выражена надежда на будущие контактыЗадание выполнено: даны ответы на три заданных вопроса, НО на один вопрос дан неполный ответ.Есть 1–2 нарушения в стилевом оформлении письма И/ИЛИ отсутствует благодарность, упоминание о предыдущих /будущих контактахЗадание выполнено частично: даны ответы на заданные вопросы, НО на два вопроса даны неполные ответы ИЛИ ответ на один вопрос отсутствует.Имеется более 2-х нарушений в стилевом оформлении письма и в соблюдении норм вежливостиЗадание не выполнено: отсутствуют ответы надва вопроса ИЛИ текст письма не соответствует требуемому объемуК2Организация текста Текст логично выстроен и разделен на абзацы; правильно использованы языковые средства для передачи логической связи; оформление текста соответствует нормам письменного этикетаТекст в основном логично выстроен, НО имеются недостатки(1–2) при использовании средств логической связи И/ИЛИ делении на абзацы.ИЛИ имеются отдельные нарушения в структурном оформлении текста письмаТекст выстроен нелогично; допущены многочисленные ошибки в структурном оформлении текста письма ИЛИ оформление текстане соответствует нормам письменного этикета, принятого в стране изучаемого языкаК3Лексикограмматическое оформление текстаИспользованы разнообразная лексика и грамматические структуры, соответствующие поставленной коммуникативной задаче (допускается не более 2-х языковых ошибок, не затрудняющих понимание)Имеются языковые ошибки, не затрудняющие понимание (допускается не более 4-х негрубых языковых ошибок) ИЛИ языковые ошибки отсутствуют, но используются лексические единицы и грамматические структуры только элементарного уровняИмеются языковые ошибки, не затрудняющие понимание (допускается не более 5 негрубых языковых ошибок) И/ИЛИ допущены языковые ошибки, которые затрудняют понимание (не более1–2 грубых ошибок)Допущены многочисленные языковые ошибки, которые затрудняют понимание текстаК4Орфография и пунктуация Орфографические и пунктуационные ошибки практически отсутствуют (допускается не более 2-х, не затрудняющих понимание текста)Допущенные орфографические и пунктуационные ошибки не затрудняют понимание (допускается не более 3–4 ошибок)Допущены многочисленные орфографические и пунктуационные ошибки и/или допущены ошибки, которые затрудняют понимание текстаЗадание на написание личного письма (письмо другу) относится к виду речевой деятельности «Письмо» и поэтому все критерии оценки данной речевой деятельности соответствуют данному типы заданий.  2.9. Критерии оценки монологического высказывания с визуальной опорой (презентация, видеоролик) Что оцениваемФокус оценкиКритерийБаллТекст работыСодержание и соответствие теме(соответствие заявленной теме, исследовательский характер работы, самостоятельность исследования)Текст работы соответствует заявленной теме; тема раскрыта полностью с привлечением интересных фактов по теме, приведены результаты самостоятельно проведённого исследования3Текст работы соответствует заявленной теме; но тема раскрыта не до конца (недостаточное количество интересных фактов, в основном уже известная информация, приведены результаты чужих исследований)2Текст работы соответствует заявленной теме; тема раскрыта слабо (мало информации, нет интересных фактов, не представлены результаты исследований)1Текст работы не соответствует заявленной теме (при 0 за этот критерий ставится 0 за всю работу)0Оформление работыСтруктура работы (наличие всех структурных элементов работы: актуальность темы, постановка проблемы, объект, цель, задачи, методы исследования, результат, выводы, список литературы.Текст работы выстроен логично, присутствуют все структурные элементы работы3Текст работы в целом выстроен логично, но отсутствует вступление / заключение и / или список литературы2Текст работы выстроен нелогично, отсутствует вступление и заключение, список литературы ИЛИ два любых других структурных элемента работы1ПрезентацияСодержание презентации(наличие ключевых структурных элементов, релевантность контента)Соблюден требуемый объем презентации; используется разнообразный наглядный материал (фото, картинки, карты, таблицы), на слайдах отсутствует избыточная информация3Соблюден требуемый объем презентации, но недостаточно используется наглядный материал или несколько слайдов содержат избыточную информацию2Требуемый объем презентации не соблюден или мало наглядного материала и практически все слайды перегружены информацией1ПрезентацияВизуальное оформление(представление наглядного материала)Презентация красиво оформлена, хорошо подобран цвет фона и шрифта, размер используемого шрифта удобен для восприятия2Презентация в целом хорошо оформлена, но имеются некоторые недостатки в подборе цвета фона и шрифта и / или размер шрифта на некоторых слайдах труден для восприятия1Презентация скудно оформлена, плохо подобран цвет фона и шрифта и / или используемый на слайдах шрифт неудобен для восприятия0ПрезентацияЛексико-грамматическое оформление, орфография и пунктуацияВ презентации допущено не более двух грамматических / лексических и 3 орфографических / пунктуационных ошибок3В презентации допущено не более четырех грамматических / лексических и 4 орфографических / пунктуационных ошибок2В презентации допущены многочисленные грамматические / лексические и орфографические / пунктуационные ошибки1ВыступлениеПредставление работы(уровень владения материалом и регламент)Выступающий уложился в отведенное для представления работы время; текст работы рассказывался с опорой на печатный текст3Выступающий уложился в отведенное для представления работы время, однако текст работы больше читался с листа, чем рассказывался2Выступающий не уложился в отведенное для представления проектной работы время или текст работы полностью читался с листа1ВыступлениеЛексико-грамматическое оформление речиВ речи использована разнообразная лексика, понятная аудитории, допущено не более 2-х языковых ошибок, не затрудняющих понимание3В речи использована разнообразная лексика, в целом понятная аудитории, допущено не более 4-х негрубых языковых ошибок2В речи использована разнообразная лексика, однако присутствует несколько слов, незнакомых для аудитории, которые затрудняют понимание сказанного, допущено не более 6-ти негрубых языковых ошибок или 2-3 грубых ошибок1Допущены многочисленные языковые ошибки, которые затрудняют понимание сказанного0ВыступлениеФонетическое оформление речиРечь понятна: практически все звуки в потоке речи произносятся правильно: не допускаются фонематические ошибки, меняющие значение высказывания; соблюдается правильный интонационный рисунок и темп речи2В целом, речь понятна, но присутствуют фонетические ошибки (не более 5) или фонематические (не более 2)1Речь почти не воспринимается на слух из-за неправильного произношения многих звуков и многочисленных фонематических ошибок0Ответы на вопросыСвобода владения материаломВыступающий четко и грамотно ответил на все заданные аудиторией вопросы3Выступающий в целом справился с ответами на вопросы аудитории2Выступающему не удалось ответить на большинство вопросов аудитории12.10. Критерии оценки постера (плаката) Основные критерии для оценивания плакатаДостоверность (научная грамотность используемых понятий)Полнота (наличие всех понятий и определений по теме)Наглядность (цвет, шрифт, способы расположения материала)АккуратностьКритерии оценивания: «4-5» выставляется, если плакат выполнен в соответствии с заданной темой, соблюдены все требования к его оформлению;«3» выставляется, если основные требования к оформлению плаката соблюдены, но при этом допущены недочеты, например: имеются неточности в изложении материала, допущены ошибки при использовании научных понятий; имеются упущения в оформлении;«2» выставляется, если тема плаката не раскрыта, обнаруживается существенное непонимание проблемы; плакат студентом не представлен. 3. Тематика проектов, ролевых игр№ темыТематика1.2.Презентация «Молодежь в современном обществе»1.2.Ролевая игра: «Досуг молодежи: увлечения и интересы»1.3.Презентация “Мой колледж”1.4.Ролевая игра «Покупки»1.8.Презентация «Популярные туристические места в России»2.1.3.Ролевая игра «Собеседование»2.1.4.Круглый стол «Моя будущая профессия»2.2.Ролевая игра «Посещение музея»/ «Посещение театра»/«Экскурсия по городу. Осмотр достопримечательностей»2.2.Презентация «Знаменитые музеи/художники/архитекторы/истории создания картин, скульптур и т.п.»2.3.Круглый стол-дебаты “Преимущества и недостатки применения техники и инновационных технологий”2.3.2.Ролевая игра-ситуация “Помоги другу/однокурснику решить проблему с техникой”2.4. Презентация “Знаменитые личности в моей профессии”2.5.Презентация «Деловое общение»2.5.5.Презентация (групповой проект) “Продвижение моего колледжа”4. Формирование ОК/ПК по видам контрольно-оценочных средствКод и наименование формируемых компетенцийРаздел/ТемаВиды контрольно-оценочных средствОК 01. Выбирать способы решения задач профессиональной деятельности применительно к различным контекстамОК 02. Использовать современные средства поиска, анализа и интерпретации информации, и информационные технологии для выполнения задач профессиональной деятельностиОК 04. Эффективно взаимодействовать и работать в коллективе и командеР 1 Тема 1.1, 1.2, 1.3, 1.4, 1.5, 1.6, 1.7,1.8Заполнение формы-резюме,Письмо (другу)Презентация (монолог с визуально основой), постер, ролевая играЗаметка о колледже, Ролевая игра “Продавец-покупатель”Письмо-инструкция «Профилактика несчастных случаев на работе и порядок их устранения»ТестУстный опрос. ОК 01. Выбирать способы решения задач профессиональной деятельности применительно к различным контекстамОК 02. Использовать современные средства поиска, анализа и интерпретации информации, и информационные технологии для выполнения задач профессиональной деятельностиОК 04. Эффективно взаимодействовать и работать в коллективе и командеОК 09. Пользоваться профессиональной документацией на государственном и иностранном языкахПК… (в соответствии с профессиональным направлением) Р 2 Тема 2.1, 2.2, 2.3, 2.4, 2.5 п-о/сТест Проект. Ролевая игра «Посещение музея»/ «Посещение театра»/«Экскурсия по городу. Осмотр достопримечательностей»Круглый стол-дебаты “Преимущества и недостатки применения техники и инновационных технологий”Доклад с презентацией “Знаменитые личности в моей профессии” Видеозапись выступленияQUIZ: Frequently asked questions (FAQs) about VK/Telegram? Разработка плана продвижения колледжа3. Примерный фонд оценочных средств3.1 Для входного контроля ТестированияEnglish Placement test (English Unlimited)• Choose the best answer for each question.• Stop when the questions become too difficult.• Spend no more than 40 minutes on the test.1. Where ___ from? - I’m from Russia. A you are B you C are you2. We have ___ house in Moscow. A any B a C an3. I have two ___: a boy and a girl. A sons B daughters C children4. I work in a ___. I’m a doctor.A hospital B hotel C supermarket5. This is my brother. ___name’s Paul.A Her B His C He’s6. ___five people in my family.A They are B There is C There are7. I qet up ___7 o’clock in the morning.A for B at C in8. I like apples, but I ___ bananas.A don’t like B like C do like9. Excuse me, ___speak French?A do you B you do C you10. How much are ___shoes?A this B these C that11. Where are my glasses? - They’re ___the table.A at B on C in12. My sister ___ tennis very well.A plays B play C playing13. I usually go to work ___ train.A on B with C by14. I don’t see my parents very often ___ they live in South Africa.A so B but C because15. Rosie stayed ___ home yesterday afternoon.A in B at C to16. Last night I ___ to the cinema.A went B did go C was17. The ___ is quite expensive but the food there is excellent.A film B restaurant C book18. Do you want to listen to music or ___ TV?A see B look C watch19. I was in Scotland. ___ were you at the weekend?A When B Where C What20. Yes, it was fun. ___ you have a good time at the party?A Did B Were C Had21. Are you ___ English teacher?A Maria B Marias’ C Maria’s22. Bob will meet ___ at the airport.A us B we C our23. I’m going to a concert tonight. ___ you like to come?A Do B Are C Would24. ___ use your dictionary? - Sure. Here you are.A Could I B Could you C Do I25. I like this apartment but the ___ is too expensive for me.A money B rent C cost26. Excuse me, how do I ___ to the bus station?A come B get C arrive27. Do you sell stamps? - Yes, we do. How ___ do you want?A any B many C much28. Sorry I’m so late. - That’s ___.A OK B great C right29. I’d like ___ milk in my coffee, please.A some B any C a30. ___ a bus stop near my flat.A It’s B Here’s C There’s31. Is this a good time to talk? - Sorry, no. I ___ dinner.A cook B am cooking C cooking32. I think cycling is more dangerous ___ driving.A As B like C than33. We ___ going to the theatre next Saturday.A will B do C are34. ___ meet for coffee some time soon.A Let’s B Do you C Shall they35. Kamal has got a holiday home near ___ sea.A a B the C some36. If you’ve got a headache, you ___ go home.A should B did C had37. ___ ever been to New York?A Have you B Are you C Did you38. I only get about five hours’ sleep a night. - That’s not ___.A enough B lot C too much39. Did Amina finish the report? - No. She ___ it tomorrow.A finishes B is going to finish C finished40. Paula ___ loves working with children.A very B really C much41. Is Ottawa the capital of Canada? I think ___.A is B yes C so D right42. We never ___ a television when I was a child.A have had B hadn’t C had D didn’t have43. We paid the restaurant bill ___ credit card.A to B with C on D by44. The last time I ___ Joanna was in Paris.A have seen B saw C see D was seeing45. If you ___ money from a friend, you should always pay it back promptly.A borrow B earn C spend D lend46. Can I make myself a cup of coffee? - Of course. You ___ to ask.A haven’t B mustn’t C needn’t D don’t have47. I ___ a lot of sport in my free time.A do B practise C make D exercise48. ___ anywhere interesting recently?A Do you go B Have you been C Are you going D Will you go49. It’s Walter’s birthday on Friday. He ___ be 30, I think.A should B can C will D shall50. Learning the piano isn’t as difficult ___ learning the violin.A like B so C than D as51. If the weather ___ bad tomorrow, we can go to a museum.A will be B was C is D would be52. About a billion cans of Coca-Cola ___ drunk around the world every day.A is B are C was D were53. My mum’s not very well. – Oh, ___A it doesn’t matter B I do apologise C sorry to hear that D not bad, thanks.54. Hans isn’t here. He ___ to see his grandmother. He’ll be back tomorrow.A has gone B had been C has been D had gone55. Would you mind changing my appointment? ___ time on Friday is fine.A Next B All the C Every D Any56. When I was a child, I ___ climb the wall and jump into our neighbours’ garden.A would B did C have D used57. Have you finished ___ the wall yet?A paint B to paint C painting D painted58. Lena used to find work boring ___ she became a nurse.A unless B until C if D since59. Can you help me? I’ve tried ___ hotel in the city and can’t find a room.A many B any C every D all60. If I ___ closer to my office, I could walk to work.A lived B would live C had lived D live61. I ___ outside the cinema when suddenly a police car arrived.A stood B was standing C have stood D am standing62. Shall we go to The Riceboat for dinner? - It ___ be fully booked. They’re sometimes busy on Monday.A will B may C can D must63. We’ve ___ come back from a trip to India. It was amazing.A already B yet C just D only64. I’ve got to be at work in five minutes. - Don’t worry, I ___ you a lift if you want.A give B am giving C ’ll give D ’m going to give65. My doctor advised me ___ more exercise.A take B taking C having taken D to take66. I couldn’t ___ up with the noise in the city, so we moved to the countryside.A put B live C set D take67. There’s no name on this dictionary. - It ___ be mine then. Mine’s got my name on the front.A might not B mustn’t C won’t D can’t68. Julia ___ married since she was 20.A is B was C has been D is being69. Don’t worry if I ___ late tonight. I’m going to the gym after work.A am B will be C would be D was70. I’ve got a terrible headache, and it won’t go away. - Have you tried ___ some aspirin?A to take B take C took D taking71. Boxing is a sport ___ requires a lot of speed and fitness.A it B that C what D where72. Jon ___ working on this project for a couple of months so he hasn’t made much progress yet.A is only B has only been C was only D had only been73. I was wondering ___ I could ask you some questions. - Sure, go ahead.A what B if C that D how74. What clothes should I pack for a trip to Boston? - Well, it depends ___ the time of year that you go.A on B with C up D to75. Do you ever ask your neighbours to do favours ___ you?A for B to C with D about76. Some married couples seem to get more ___ over time.A alike B same C like D equal77. I don’t know how much this card costs. The price label’s ___ off.A gone B taken C done D come78. I’ve finished this salad and I’m still hungry. I ___ ordered something more filling.A must have B would have C should have ___D may have79. Ben got the job because he ___ a very good impression at his interview.A made B did C put D took80. Salsa music always ___ me of my trip to Cuba.A remembers B realises C recognizes D reminds81. I ___to be picking Tom up at the station but I’ve lost my keys.A am supposed B am requested C am intended D am obliged82. How about going to Colours nightclub? - There’s no ___ I’m going there. It’s awful!A hope B way C time D opportunity83. By the age of 18, I ___ not to go to university.A had decided B decided C have decided D was deciding84. I’m afraid your car ___ repaired before next week.A hasn’t been B wasn’t C wouldn’t be D can’t be85. The amount of organically grown food on sale has ___ enormously in recent years.A raised B lifted C increased D built86. Can you believe it? A woman has been ___ for hacking into the computer of her online virtual husband.A accused B suspended C arrested D suspected87. You may borrow my laptop ___ you promise to look after it.A unless B in case CAs long as D Although88. It’s a huge painting. It ___ taken ages to complete.A must have B can’t have C should have D won’t have89. Pierre tends to put ___ dealing with problems, rather than dealing with them immediately.A down B off C over D away90. If the taxi hadn’t stopped for us, we ___ standing in the rain.A were still B would still be C are still D will still be91. My mother’s Italian, so ___ the language has been quite easy for me.A to learn B learn C having learned D learning92. ___ I had the talent, I still wouldn’t want to be a movie star.A In case B Even if C Provided that D However much93. The factory workers threatened ___ on strike if they didn’t get a pay rise.A going B to go C that they go D to have gone94. I was about to go to sleep when it ___to me where the missing keys might be.A remembered B happened C appeared D occurred95. There’s going to be a new department at work. They’ve asked me to ___ it up.A take B set C put D bring96. If the film is a ___success, the director will get most of the credit.A big B high C large D good97. By the end of today’s seminar I will ___to each of you individually.A speak B have spoken C be speaking D have been speaking98. This is a photo of my little sister ___ ice cream on the beach.A eat B eating C was eating D having eaten99. Our students take their responsibilities very ___.A considerably B thoroughly C seriously D strongly100. Pia was ___ delighted with the birthday present.A very B completely C fairly D absolutely Ответы и интерпретация результатов StarterElementaryPre-int.IntermediateUpper Int.1C21C41C61B81A2B22A42C62B82B3C23C43D63C83A4A24A44B64C84D5B25B45A65D85C6C26B46D66A86C7B27B47A67D87C8A28A48B68C88A9A29A49C69A89B10B30C50D70D90B11B31B51C71B91D12A32C52B72B92B13C33C53C73B93B14C34A54A74A94D15B35B55D75C95B16A36A56A76A96A17B37A57C77A97B18C38A58C78D98B19B39B59B79A99C20A40B60A80D100D Примерные вопросы для устного собеседованияIntroductory questionsWhat’s your name? How do you spell your surname? Where are you from?Did you learn English at school? For how many years? Starter1What do you do? Do you work or are you a student?2Tell me about your family.3What do you do in your free time? (Do you play football or any sports?)4What do you do every day? What time do you get up / start work?5Tell me about the town where you live.Elementary6Tell me about something you can do well. (Can you swim? Can you cook?)7How often do you usually see your friends? (What do you do together?)8Where do you live? Tell me about your home.9What are you going to do at the weekend?10Have you been to an English-speaking country? Tell me about your visit. (OR Tell me about an interesting place you have been to.)Pre-intermediate11Tell me about something that you did with your friends/family recently. Why did you enjoy it?12Tell me about the weather in your country. Which is your favourite season and why do you like it?13Imagine that I am a visitor to your country. What advice would you give me?14Can you tell me about an object that is special for you? Why is it special?15Where do you live - in a house or an apartment? What’s it like?Intermediate16What sort of television programmes do you like?17How do you keep in touch with your friends and family (by phone/email)? How do you think communication might change in the future?18Tell me about the last film you saw at the cinema (or the last book you read). Would you recommend it?19Think about an interesting person you have met. What is he/she like?20Have you ever been on a journey where something went wrong?Upper-intermediate21Tell me about something you are good at.22Can you tell me about a famous landmark/person in your country? What do you know about it/them?23What do you use the internet for? Do you think it will ever replace books and newspapers? Why / why not?24If an English person wanted to learn your language, how should they do this and why?25Where do you see yourself in five years’ time?3.2. Для текущего контроля Тема 1.1 Повседневная жизнь семьи. Внешность и характер членов семьи. Написание электронного письма “Встреча с работодателем”А1 You have received an e-mail from the company. They want to meet with you in a cafe next Thursday.Write an e-mail to Mr Jarris, the manager. In your e-mail writehow you look (tall/ short, hair, eyes, etc.)what you will wear (clothes)what personal qualities you have to work in their company (active, clever, etc.)You need to write 45-60 words.А2 и вышеYou have received an e-mail from the company. They want to meet with you in a cafe next Thursday.Write an e-mail to Mr Jarris, the manager. In your e-mail thank the company and writehow you look (tall/ short, hair, eyes, etc.)what you will wear (clothes)what personal qualities you have to work in their company (active, clever, etc.)You need to write 80-110 words.Sample answerA1Dear Mr Jarris,Thank you for your e-mail. I am short and slim. My hair is blond, my eyes are brown. I have glasses.I will wear a red T-shirt and blue jeans. I am active, clever and hard-working. I would like to work in your company.Kind regards,Jill NicholsA2 и вышеDear Mr Jarris,Thank you for your e-mail. I would like to work in your company.I am rather short and slim. I have got blonde shoulder-length hair and dark brown eyes. I usually wear glasses.I will wear a red T-shirt with a butterfly print on it and light blue wide jeans. I will have a bright scarf on, so you will easily recognise me.I am quite active, clever and hard-working, and I am sure your company will get higher results if I become a part of it. I will look forward to meeting you on Thursday.Kind regards,Jill NicholsТема 1.2 Молодёжь в современном обществе. Досуг молодёжи: увлечения и интересы Ролевая игра “Моя команда”You need to make a team to work together. You can have only four people in your group. Who will you take?Step 1. Write 8 questions to learn about people around you. You can write questions about hobbies, interests, and professional qualities and skills of people around you. Step 2. Ask as many people around you as possible. You have got about 25 minutes. Write down short notes about your partners’ answers.Step 3. Choose three people you would take in your team. Tell your class who you will work with and why.Sample answer.Step 1. (for all levels)Do you like music? Can you cook?Have you ever thought about becoming a(n)… (cook/ engineer/ photographer, etc.)?Do you like working with computers?Which countries did you visit?How often do you do voluntary work?Do you like working in a laboratory?What transport can you drive?Step 3.A1I take Misha, Pavel and Sonya in my team. Misha and Sonya are good with computers and people. It is helpful in our profession. Pavel and Misha like working in a laboratory and Sonya speaks German and Chinese. We all can work in one team because we can make different things in one project. We all love pop music and we can go to karaoke in our free time.A2Misha, Pavel and Sonya are great for my team. Misha and Sonya are helpful because they are interested in computers and people. The boys are fond of doing experiments in a laboratory. On the other hand, Sonya, like me, speaks foreign languages. We can share the tasks on the projects. In our free time, we might go out together because we all love pop music and singing in karaoke.B1The most suitable classmates for my team are Misha, Pavel and Sonya. Misha and Sonya can be responsible for technical tasks because they are keen on computers. The boys love laboratory work, while Sonya and I are good at languages. We all might do various tasks to work effectively. We could get on in our free time as well. Pop music is our favourite, and we might spend free time in a karaoke club, for instance.Тема 1.3 Условия проживания в городской и сельской местности.Проект “Мой колледж” А1 You want to tell your friend about your college. Prepare a short presentation, use some photos. In your presentation write:the name of the collegewhere it is located (city, region) how old it isdescribe a building (old/modern, big/small etc) and classroomswrite your opinion about your college.You need to write 60-80 words.А2 и вышеYou want to tell your friend about your college. Prepare a short presentation, use some photos. In your presentation write:the name of the collegewhere it is located (city, region)when it was foundeddescribe the building, classrooms and equipmentwrite 1 interesting fact about your collegewrite your opinion about studying at your collegeYou need to write 100-120 words.Sample answer:A1(I want to tell you about my college.) This is the Teacher-training college. It is in Kolomna, the Moscow region. My college is in the center of the city. It is more than 50 years old. The building is not new, but it is very beautiful. There are 3 floors in it. The classrooms are big and comfortable. We have computers, video projectors and interactive whiteboards in our classrooms. I like my college a lot and I think it is the best college in the world. A2 и выше(I would like to tell you about my college.) This is the Teacher-training college. It is located in a beautiful old city Kolomna, the Moscow region. My college is in the central part of the city. It was built more than 50 years ago. The building is not new but it is very beautiful. There are 3 floors in it. The classrooms are big, bright and comfortable. They are all equipped with computers, video and interactive whiteboards. There are a lot of outstanding people, who studied in our college. Their photos are in the lobby, on the board of honor. I can say that studying in my college is both hard work and pleasure. Тема 1.4 Покупки: одежда, обувь и продукты питания.Ролевая игра-диалог между покупателем и продавцом. A1You are a customer (Student A) and a shop assistant (Student B). You are in a clothes shop.Card 1A -CustomerStep 1.Read the plan and write what you can ask and say.greet the shop assistantask for a pair of jeans. you like black if there aren't any black, ask for a pair of blue jeans.you are size 40agree to have a look at the blue jeans.ask if you can try them on.ask about the pricebuy the jeansthank the shop assistant for help say good-byeCard 2. Student B- You are the shop assistant.Step 1. Read the plan and write what you can ask and say.start a talk, greet the customer and ask if you can help him/herask what colour the customer wantsyou have only blue and grey jeans in a shopoffer him/ her blue or grey onesask about his/her sizesay if he/she can try them onsay how much they costthank a customer, say goodbye. Step 2. Play your roles. А2 и вышеYou are a customer (Student A) and a shop assistant (Student B). You are in a clothes shop.Card 1.Student A- You are the customer. You want to buy a pair of trainers.Step 1. Read the plan and make some notes. You have 2-3 minutes to think.greet the shop assistantask for a pair of trainers. you are size 38 and you like bright coloursyou don't like the colour the shop assistant has showed you, because it is light green, ask is they have anything elseask what material it's made ofask if you can try them onask about the pricebuy the trainersthank a shop assistant for help say good-byeCard 2. Student B- You are the shop assistant. Step 1. Read the plan and make some notes. You have 2 minutes to think. start a talk greet the customer and ask if you can help him/herask what colour and size the customer is interested inoffer him/her green trainersif the customer doesn't like the colour, offer him other colours.say if he/she can try them onif the customer asks you, tell him/her that they are made of leatherif the customer asks you, tell him/her that he looks great in themsay how much they costthank a customer, say goodbyeStep 2. Play your roles. Sample answer. (C-customer, SA-shop assistant)A1SA: Good morning/ hello, can I help you? C: Yes, please. I want a pair of jeans. I like black.SA: I’m sorry. We don’t have black jeans. We have blue or grey jeans.C: Blue please. SA: What size do you wear?/What size?C: 40, pleaseSA: Here you are.C: Can I try them on? SA: Yes, of course.C: How much do they cost?/How much are they? SA: 1500 roubles, please. C: Here you are. SA: Thank you.C: Thank you very much for help. Good bye. SA: Good bye.A2 и вышеSA: Good morning/ hello, can I help you? C: Yes, please. I’d like a pair of trainers.SA: What colour would you like to look at?C: Well, I like bright colours. SA: We have very nice green trainers. Would you like to look at them?C: Yes. Sure.SA: What size do you wear?C: 38, pleaseSA: Here you are. Would you like to try them on? C: Oh, no, thanks. I don’t like this light green colour. Can you show anything else, please? (Do you have any other colours?)SA: I see. Have a look at these yellow ones, please. C: Oh, they look great. What are they made of?SA: They are made of leather/ Leather ones.C: Can I try them on? SA: Yes, of course. C: How much do they cost?/How much are they? SA: 2000 roubles, please. C: I’d like to buy them./I'll take them.SA: Good choice. (They look great on you)C: Thank you very much for help. Good bye. SA: Good bye. We’ll be happy to see you again. Отзыв на магазин продуктов/одежды/обувиA1 You have received an sms from your friend, he/she asks you where he/she can do some shopping. Write a shop review.In your message write:what the name of the shop iswhere the shop iswhat things he/she can find in a shop (types of clothes, brands)if you like/ dislike this shop; why/why notWrite 30-45 wordsA2 и вышеYou have received an sms from your friend, he/she asks you where he/she can do some shopping. Write a shop review.In your message write:what the name of the shop is where the shop is locatedhow often you do the shopping therewhat things he/she can find in a shop (types of clothes, brands)if you like/ dislike this shop; why/why notWrite 40-60 wordsSample answer:A1Hi! Go to "Familiya". It's next to my house. There are a lot of jeans, trainers, T-shirts and jackets. I like it/I love it because I can buy cheap and modern clothes there. A2 и вышеHi! What about "Familiya"? It's next to my house. I don't often do the shopping there. You can find a lot of modern things there such as jeans, jackets, trainers and T -shirts. I love going there when I have some pocket money. I can always find something unusual there. Тема 1.5 Здоровый образ жизни и забота о здоровье: сбалансированное питание. Спорт. Посещение врачаПисьмо-инструкция «Профилактика несчастных случаев на работе и порядок их устранения» А1Write an instruction for your foreign co-worker “How not to have health problems at work and what to do if you have”. Write about:- where you will work;- work conditions (wet, dry, cold, hot, rainy, etc);- what you mustn’t do at work because it’s dangerous;- what you can do if you have a temperature/a cut/a burn, etcUse between 60-70 words.А2 и выше Write an instruction for a foreign co-worker “How to avoid emergency situations at work and what to do if you have these”. Write about:- your future job;- working conditions;- what emergency situations can occur;- what to do in each extreme case.Use between 100-120 words.Sample answer (A1)I work as a baker.It’s often very hot.You mustn’t run, jump, roller-skate, throw or hit something in the bakery.If you have a burn, you can use a plaster.If you have a cut, use a plaster, too.If you have a headache, take a pill.If you have a temperature, go home because you can fall at work.Sample answer (для A2 и выше)I work as a builder on a construction site. It can be hot in summer, rainy in autumn and freezing in winter.Follow the rules:Don’t run!Don’t jump!Don’t throw heavy things!Don’t fall!Don’t use sharp tools and instruments without gloves!You won’t have a headache if you drink water and eat regularly!If you have a cut or a burn, use a plaster.If you have a backache, go to a doctor.If you catch a cold or have a temperature, you can faint and hurt something. That’s why stay at home or go to a doctor immediately.If you have pain in your chest or break a leg, call an ambulance. That’s dangerous!Тема 1.6 Туризм. Виды отдыхаТестированиеA1Match the questions (1-12) with the answers (A-L)1. What’s the best way to get there?A. No, you have to change in Singapore.2. How much is that? B. Two and a half hours.3. Is it better to fly or go by train?C. Probably by taxi.4. Where does the bus leave from? D. It depends - flying's much faster.5. Is the flight direct? E. Yes, sure.6. What time do we get there?F. No, it’s direct.7. Do I need to change? G. £27.50.8. Could you stop here, please? H. About 50 miles.9. How far is it? I. The central bus station.10. Is this the bus for London? J. No, you want the blue one over there.11. How long is the journey?K. Just after 11.00.12. How often do the buses go to the city centre?L. Every ten minutes or so. Now listen to these announcements. Can you complete the answers to the questions?The train to London Paddington is leaving from platform 13) ___, not platform 14) ___.The train from London King's Cross is 15) ___ minutes late, and is now arriving at 17.15.Flight BA1462 to Newcastle is now boarding at gate 16) ___.All British Airways flights leave from terminal 17) ___.The flight takes 55 minutes, and arrives at 18) ___ local time. Read the article and choose the correct option for questions below.The famous Trans-Siberian railway line goes from Moscow to Vladivostok, but there’s another railway line about 650 kilometres north of the Trans-Siberian. This is the Baikal-Amur Mainline (BAM). A special train, the Matvei Mudrov medical train, travels along its 4,000 kilometres. There are usually between twelve and fifteen doctors on the train. The train stops for a day at places along the BAM. The people who live in small towns and villages come to the train for medical attention. There are no doctors or hospitals in their towns or villages. For these patients, their health centre is on the train.The Matvei Mudrov was named after a Russian doctor in the nineteenth century. Nowadays, the Matvei Mudrov visits each town or village on the BAM twice a year. In the village of Khani (population 742), the patients include a man with two broken ankles and a teenage girl. She had appendicitis a month ago and she was lucky to travel to a town three hours away for an operation. The Matvei Mudrov doesn’t have any equipment to do operations. The doctors can diagnose their patients’ medical problems and recommend treatment and medicines. The train has a laboratory for blood and urine tests and a number of medical testing machines. The patients like the doctors on the train. They say they are honest and good at their jobs.Next stop is a town called Berkakit. About 4,000 people live here. There is a queue to see the doctors. Mikhail Zdanovich is waiting for his turn. He’s 61 years old and he came to Berkakit in 1976. At the time, only about a hundred young people lived in Berkakit. It was a new town. Zdanovich met a woman who worked at the town bakery. They married and stayed in the town. When Zdanovich walks into the doctor’s office she says ‘Oh, Mikhail, I recognised your voice.’ He has a problem in his shoulder. The doctor writes a letter to say that he can’t work, he must have an operation. He leaves, happy, and then he returns a few minutes later. He brings freshly cooked pies and some goat’s milk.For the people who live in this remote part of Russia, the Matvei Mudrov is more than a medical train. It’s a social connection to the community of their country. 19 What is the BAM?a) a part of the Trans-Siberian railwayb) a railway line that crosses part of Russiac) a train for doctors to travel on20 What main service does the Matvei Mudrov train offer?a) diagnosing people’s health problemsb) doing operations in emergenciesc) visiting the doctors in small towns21 Where does the Matvei Mudrov train stop?a) in the towns that have health centresb) in the villages and towns along the BAM railway linec) in villages with under 1,000 people22 According to the article ...a) the BAM is 650 kilometres long.b) the BAM is 4,000 kilometres long.c) the BAM only has one train service.23 What happens when the Matvei Mudrov train stops in a village?a) People come to the train to see the doctors.b) The doctors visit people at home.c) The doctors visit the local health centre.24 According to the article ...a) Matvei Mudrov was the name of a doctor.b) the BAM was built as a medical railway.c) the train was the idea of a Russian doctor.25 In Khani ...a) a girl needs an operation.b) one patient has broken bones.c) there are two patients.26 What’s the patients’ opinion of the train’s doctors?a) badb) not good or badc) good27 In Berkakit ...a) the doctor sees a patient she knows.b) the doctor treats a man’s shoulder.c) the doctor visits the town bakery.28 Mikhail Zdanovich ...a) can go back to work after seeing the doctor.b) isn’t satisfied with the doctor’s opinion.c) offers food to the doctor after the visit.А2Read the text. Put the events below in order.Heat, cold, mountains, deserts, illness, and animals. All of these were possible dangers when Nick Bourne decided to run from one end of Africa to the other - a journey that many people thought was impossible.Bourne began his run in northern Egypt in October 1997. His adventure nearly ended 500 miles later while he was waiting to cross the Sudanese border - the Egyptian military stopped him and refused to let him leave the country.Eventually, he flew to Cape Town and started again on 21 January 1998. Every day he got up at 3.30 a m., ate a breakfast of cereal, and started running. After 20 miles he stopped for a rest and had a pasta lunch, before running another 20 miles. He drank up to 15 litres of liquid a day.He had some incredible experiences. He was crossing the Kalahari Desert in temperatures of 62°C when he came face to face with a giant cobra. In Zambia his heartbeat went up from 135 a minute to over 190, and his doctor found that he had malaria. He saw lions and ran through a herd of elephants, and a swarm of bees attacked him while he was running through Tanzania. He celebrated his 28th birthday with a chocolate cake in the shadow of Kilimanjaro.After eleven months and 6,021 miles he arrived at the Pyramids and finished perhaps the most amazing run ever. 20 miles = 32 kilometres A. He saw a snake.B. He decided to start from South Africa.C. He started for the first time.D. He arrived at the Pyramids.E. He started for the second time.F. A swarm of bees attacked him.G. He became ill.H. He crossed the border into Egypt.I. He celebrated his birthday.J. He flew to Cape Town.Complete the questions in this dialogue.A I got back from my holiday last week.B Where 11) ___ ?A Peru.B Really? What 12) ___?A It was fantastic, really great.B How long 13) ___?A Three weeks altogether - I wanted to stay longer!B 14) ___ expensive?A Well, the flight was, but it was cheap when we got there.B 15) ___A My sister and her boyfriend.B 16) ___ any problems?A Nothing serious. I lost my watch.B How 17) ___ happen?A We were staying in a cheap hotel and I left it in the bathroom.B 18) ___ go back?A Yes, I'd love to. Maybe next year...You are going to listen to a podcast recorded by a travel journalist about Manga cafes in Japan. Decide what you can do in Manga Cafes. Write Y for yes, N for No19. stay overnight20. read comic books21. buy comic books22. meet Manga artists23. watch videos24. eat25. wear your shoes in the room26. drink27. have a shower28. stand in your roomВ1Complete sentences 1 to 10. Use these words.down of off on onto to1 We checked ___ the flight in good time.2 But we were delayed due ___ engine trouble.3 We got ___ the plane two hours late.4 And we eventually took ___ at 2.00 p.m.: five hours late.5 But then we were diverted ___ Delhi.6 There was a severe lack ___ information.7 When we landed, we all got ___ the plane.8 They made sure that no one was ___ board because 9 ___ the danger of fire.10 We eventually touched ___ in London seven hours late.Read the text. Are the sentences true (T) or false (F)?The HubSometimes, you fly not to your destination, but to a 'hub'. In other words, you fly to an airport to catch a plane to fly to another airport. You are in transit. You sit in a big room where all the seats are facing in the same direction, like the seats in a theatre. But there is no show. There is nothing.You begin to feel ill. You do not know what time it is. In many airports, each terminal is the same as every other terminal. The corridors are the same as each other. But gate 36 may be hundreds of metres from gate 35, in any direction; it's easy to make a mistake.I was once at Zurich airport. The weather was bad and the plane was delayed. I was drinking coffee at a bar and reading a book. Outside, the weather had got worse. Time passed. When the flight was called, I picked up my bags and moved towards the gate. I went down a corridor, down some steps, along a bit, down a bit. Then, just as I got to the gate, I realized I had left my book in the bar.I tried to remember the route I had taken so I could do it in reverse. I was successful. The book was still there.Then I started running back. I ran down staircases, along corridors. I ran past a shop selling magazines. At some point, I knew that I had taken the wrong turn. At another point, I panicked. 11. You land at a 'hub' to catch another plane.12. It is easy to go to the wrong gate.13. The man realized he had forgotten his book when he got on the plane.14. When he went back, he couldn't find the book.15. He got lost in the airport. Listen to the track. Choose the correct answers for the following questions.16 The writer's point of view seems to indicate that he or she ____ a works for the Indian governmentb doesn't believe the tourist trade can grow in the rainy seasonc thinks that the rainy season in India is a great travel opportunity17 Who does a billion people refer to at the beginning?a) the population of Indiab) the farm workers in Indiac) people in countries affected by the monsoon18 Sajjan Garh Palace is now a ____ a) summer home for royaltyb) luxury hotel for monsoon visitorsc) wildlife sanctuary19 Which is NOT true about Alexander Frater's book?a) He writes about living in Mumbai for the whole monsoon.b) He discusses how people visit India to be "healed" by monsoons.c) He speaks to people in India about their views on the monsoon.20 The phrase washed streets and fresh leaves refers to the monsoon as a ____ a) cleansing and renewing forceb) blessing for farmland and farm workersc) time for honor and tradition Read the following sentences. Listen to the track again and check whether they are true (T) or false (F).21 The number of tourists to India drops significantly during the monsoon.22 The government is trying to increase tourist numbers during the monsoon.23 Visiting India during the rainy season is more expensive than other times of the year.24 Most festivals are held before the monsoon begins.25 The Rath Yatra festival is famous for its boat races.26 Many hotels have open areas for guests to enjoy the rain.Answer KeyA11) C2) G3) D4) I5) A6) K7) F8) E9) H10) J11) B12) L13) 5/five14) 7/seven15) 35/ thirty-five16) A3417) 4/four18) 2.3019) b20) a21) b22) b23) a24) a25) b26) c27) a28) cA21. C2. B3. J4. E5. A6. G7. F8. I9.H10. D11. did you go12. was it like13. was it/was the trip14. was it15. who did you go with/who did you travel with16. did it17. did you have18. would you like to19.Y20. Y21. Y22. Y23. Y24. Y25. N26. Y27. N28. NB11. onto2. to3. on4. off5. to6. of7. off8. on9. of10. down11. T12. T13. F14. F15. T16. c17. b18. c19. a20. a21. T22. T23. F24. F25. F26. TТема 1.7 Страна/страны изучаемого языкаA1 Task 1. Choose the correct answer.1.How many independent states are there on the British Isles?A.2B.3C.5D.12.What is the symbol of England?A.a thistleB.a roseC.a shamrock and a red handD.a daffodil3.What is the symbol of Scotland?A.a thistleB.a roseC.a daffodilD.a shamrock4.What is the symbol of Wales?A.a thistleB.a roseC.a daffodilD.a shamrock5.What is the symbol of Northern Ireland?A.a thistleB.a roseC.a shamrock and a red handD.a daffodil6.Where is Shakespeare’s birthplace?A.in LondonB.in Stratford-on-AvonC.in GlasgowD.in Cardiff7.Which is the most popular sport in Britain?A.FootballB.RugbyC.TennisD.Baseball8.When is St. Valentine’s Day celebrated?A.January 1B.October 31C.February 14D.July 49.The British Isles are separated from the European Continent by …A.the North Sea and the Irish SeaB.the North Sea and the English ChannelC.the English Channel and the Atlantic OceanD.the Irish Sea10.When did London become the capital of England?A.in the 11th centuryB.in the 13th centuryC.in the 15th centuryD.in the 14th centuryTask 2. Read the texts and guess what place of interest it is.1) This building was built in the 18th century. It is open to visitors several days a week. The changing of the Guard is a very interesting ceremony to watch. Now it is the home of the Queen. 2) This building is a very interesting place in the capital of the UK. It was a fortress, a royal palace and later a prison. Now it is a museum. There are a lot of interesting collections in it.3) This building stands on the river Thames. The official name of it is the Palace of Westminster. It is the place of the British Parliament. Its members make laws there. The famous clock Big Ben stands near them. 4) This is the symbol of the capital. It is a famous clock. It was renamed the Elizabeth Tower in 2012 in honour of the Queen’s Diamond Jubilee.5) This building is the greatest work of the architect Sir Christopher Wren. It is a famous church. It is very beautiful. It was built in 1708.6). It is the main square of London. There is a column to Admiral Nelson in the centre of it. A lot of tourists come here every day. ANSWER KEYTask 1: 1 C; 2 B; 3 A; 4 C; 5 C; 6 B; 7 A; 8 C; 9 B; 10 A.Task 2: 1. Buckingham Palace; 2. The Tower; 3. The Houses of Parliament; 4. Big Ben; 5. St. Paul’s Cathedral; 6. Trafalgar SquareA2 Task 1. Put the article the in front of the geographical names on the map where it is necessary.Task 2. Read the text below and fill the spaces in the table with the information from the text.The Yeoman Warders were formed by King Henry VIII. In 1509 the King decided to leave twelve of his old and sick Yeomen of the Guard in the Tower of London to protect it. Their main duty was to look after the Tower prisoners, and safeguard the British crown jewels.Nowadays there are still twelve Yeomen Warders at work every day. (All in all, there are 35 of them). They are still nicknamed “Beefeaters” but their duties have certainly changed. They act as tour guides and raven-keepers. They carefully look after the famous ravens, feed them and cut their wings. There is a legend that the Tower will fall if the ravens fly away. The Beefeater’s most famous duty is to take part in the night ceremony of passing the Tower Keys. For everyday duties Yeomen Warders wear a red and dark blue uniform with a round hat, while on holidays they wear a state dress uniform which is red and gold, the same as the Yeomen of the Guard, but without a cross belt. In these uniforms the Beefeaters can be called one of the most interesting sights of London.Formed in/byHow many?NicknamePrevious serviceDuties of the pastPresent-day dutiesThe most famous dutyEveryday uniformState dress uniformANSWER KEYTask 1.CountriesEnglandScotlandWalesCitiesEdinburghCardiffBelfastMountainsThe PenninesThe Grampians the CambriansBen NevisOceans, seas, rivers, lakesThe Atlantic OceanThe North SeaThe SevernThe Thames;Loch NessTask 2. Formed in/byIn 1509. King Henry VIIIHow many?Thirty-fiveNicknameBeefeatersPrevious serviceTo protect the TowerDuties of the pastTo look after the Tower prisoners and safeguard the British crown jewels.Present-day dutiesTour guides and raven-keepersThe most famous dutyTo take part in the night ceremony of passing the Tower KeysEveryday uniformA red and dark blue uniform with a round hatState dress uniformA red and gold uniform without a cross beltB1Task 1. Choose the right answer.1. The Union Flag is known asA. The Union TomB. The Famous AlbertC. The Union JackD. The United Mike 2. The Union Jack is made up of the flags of three united Kingdom's countries – England, Northern Ireland andA. WalesB. BelfastC. EdinburghD. Scotland 3. The current Union Flag was created inA. 1606B. 1701C. 1801D. 1506 4. The coat of arms of the UK was adopted inA. 1801B. 1837C. 1637 5. What does the coat of arms consist of?A. shield, crest, mythological animalsB. double-headed lion, shieldC. black eagle with red feet, beak and tongue 6. How many parts does the shield have?A. fourB. twoC. three 7. What mythological animals are there on the coat of arms?A. the lion and the bearB. the silver lion and the golden horseC. the golden lion and silver unicornTask 2. Read questions 1 – 6 and find answers to them in texts A – G. One text is odd. Where can a visitor to London1. see beautiful English lawns and enjoy flowers?2. open a bank’s account or withdraw money from it?3. see a masterpiece of the famous English architect of the 17th century?4. buy souvenirs or visit the largest London department stores?5. see graves of outstanding people of Great Britain?6. go to see the place where bills are introduced and debates are held?A.The historical center of London is now a relatively small area still known as the City, which covers only about 1 sq mile. Most of the financial activities are crowded along Threadneedle Street, near the intersection known as the Bank, which includes the huge Bank of England complex, the Royal Exchange, and the Stock Exchange. The permanent residential population of the City is now less than 6000, but about 350,000 commute here daily to work.B.Located just west of Soho and Covent Garden in the West End is a more residential area. The relatively dense development of this area is broken up by a series of Royal Parks, areas once owned by the Crown, including Hyde Park, Kensington Gardens, and Regent’s Park.C.The most prominent landmark of the City is Saint Paul’s Cathedral, designed by the English architect Christopher Wren to replace the original church, which was destroyed during the Great Fire of London in 1666.D.Some of the City’s traditional functions have disappeared. The newspaper industry was concentrated in the Fleet Street area for centuries, but during the 1980s the Times and other papers moved to highly automated quarters at the Docklands in the East End. The old wholesale fish market, Billingsgate, located for centuries on the river between the Tower and London Bridge, also moved to the Docklands. E.The City of Westminster, about two miles upstream from the city of London, emerged as England’s political and religious centre of power after the 11th century. At the heart of Westminster is Westminster Abbey, begun by Edward the Confessor in the 11th century and rebuilt in the 13th century. It has always been closely associated with the monarchy and is used for such state occasions as coronations and royal funerals. It is also a giant mausoleum, and more than 3000 notable people are buried there. Statues and monuments line the magnificent nave.F.Virtually across the street are the Houses of Parliament, officially called the New Palace of Westminster. Farther west is the monarch’s permanent residence in London, Buckingham Palace.G.To the west and north of Trafalgar Square is the West End, which is usually regarded as the centre of town because it is London’s shopping and entertainment hub. The busiest shopping area is Oxford Street, where such large department stores as Selfridges, John Lewis, and Marks and Spencer are located. Other well-known shopping areas include Knightsbridge, the location of Harrods department store; and Piccadilly, where Fortnum and Mason specializes in fine food.Answer KeyTask 1. 1.C; 2.D; 3.C; 4.B; 5.A; 6.A; 7.C.Task 2. 1 B; 2 A; 3 C; 4 G; 5 E; 6 F.Тема 1.8 РоссияA1Устный опросAnswer the following questions about the geographical position of Russia, its nature and climate.Where is Russia situated?How large is Russia compared to other countries?What countries does it border on?What are Russia’s main regions?What seas and oceans is Russia washed by?What are the most important rivers in Russia?What is the deepest lake in Russia?What types of climates are there on the territory of Russia? Which is the prevailing one?Is Russia rich in natural resources?ANSWER KEYRussia is situated in the eastern part of Europe and the northern part of Asia.It covers almost twice the territory of either the United States or China.Russia borders on 12 countries on land. In the south Russia borders on China, Mongolia, Korea, Kazakhstan, Georgia and Azerbaijan. In the west it borders on Norway, Finland, the Baltic States, Belorussia, and the Ukraine. It also has a sea border with the USA.The main areas of Russia are the European part, Siberia and the Far East. The Ural Mountains separate Europe from Asia.Russia is washed by 12 seas and 2 oceans. Russia is connected with the Atlantic Ocean through the Baltic Sea in the west and the Black Sea in the south. The Arctic Ocean and its seas including the White, Barents, Kara, Laptev, and East-Siberian Seas wash Russia in the north. The Pacific Ocean and its seas the Bering, Okhotsk and Japanese Seas wash Russia in the east.Russia’s greatest rivers are the Don and the Volga in its European part, and the Ob and the Yenisey in West Siberia. The largest river in Asian part of Russia is the Lena. The Volga flows into the Caspian Sea. The main Siberian rivers, the Ob, the Yenisei and the Lena, flow from south to north. The Ob is the longest river in Russia, but the Volga is the most important one. Many Russian towns are located on the Volga River: Vladimir, Tver, Yaroslavl, Kazan, and Nizhny Novgorod. Altogether there are over two million rivers in our country.Lake Baikal is the largest freshwater lake in the world, one of the Seven Natural Wonders of the World, the pearl of Siberia. It’s 636 kilometers long and 80 kilometers wide and is surrounded by forests and mountain peaks; the waters of the lake are transparent to a depth of 40 metres in summer. The lake has more than 2000 rare plants and animals – bears, elk, lynx, sables, freshwater seal, trout, salmon and sturgeon. The climate of Russia differs from one part to another, from arctic in the north to subtropical in the south. But the prevailing one is temperate. Winters are cold and windy with a lot of snow. Summers are hot and dry.Russia is rich in mineral resources such as coal, oil, natural gas, iron ore, copper, zinc and others. Natural resources determine the development of the Russian economy.A2 Task 1. Read the texts and say what place it is.1. A museum of art and culture situated in Saint Petersburg. It is one of the largest and oldest museums of the world. There are 3 million works of art in this museum and the largest collection of paintings in the world. 2. A television and radio tower in Moscow. This construction has 45 levels. Standing 540 meters tall, it is the highest building in Europe.3. The deepest and one of the clearest lakes in the world, which is 25 million years old. It contains 20 per cent of the world’s fresh water. 4. The highest mountain in the Caucasus and the highest mountain in Europe. Its height is 5642 metres. 5. A summer residence of the Russian monarchs located not far from St. Petersburg. It is a brilliant palace and park ensemble with 150 fountains. It is sometimes called the Russian Versailles. 6. The heart of Russia and the central square of Moscow, one of the most beautiful and famous places in the world. It used to be Moscow’s main market place, now it is used for festivals and public ceremonies. 7. A historic theatre in Moscow, with one of the oldest and greatest opera and ballet companies in the world. It was opened in 1825. 8. The official residence of the President of Russia, the symbol of our capital. Task 2. Fill in the gaps A – F with the correct words 1 – 8. There are two odd words.1) clear, 2) colour, 3) dark, 4) enjoy, 5) exist, 6) popular, 7) see, 8) snowLake Baikal is the world’s oldest and deepest freshwater lake. It is surrounded by rocky mountains, the tops of which are covered with A ______. Its water is so B ______ that any object can be seen well at the depth of 40 meters. It contains more water than the Great lakes in North America. The C ______ of Baikal’s water is close to that of the sea. It is similar to dark blue or blue green. In winter this lake is almost completely covered in ice. By the end of winter, the ice is 1 metre thick. Two-thirds of its 1,700 species of plants and animals don’t D ______ anywhere else in the world.The Baikal is one of the most beautiful lakes of the planet and one of the few that is still growing. Lake Baikal is a E ______ tourist attraction. Millions of people come to F ______ their vacations there.ANSWER KEYTask 1. The State Hermitage; 2. Ostankino Tower; 3. Lake Baikal; 4. Mount Elbrus; 5. Peterhof; 6. Red Square; 7. The Bolshoi Theatre; 8 The Kremlin. Task 2. A8, B1, C2, D5, E6, F4B1Match the titles 1 — 8 with the texts A — G. There is one odd title.1. Local legends2. Special in many ways3. Tourist аttraction4. Diverse wildlife5. Protection of the ecosystem6. Extinct species7. Scientific expeditions8. Harsh climateA. The world’s deepest lake, the Baikal, is in Siberia. It is also the largest freshwater lake in Eurasia and the oldest lake on the Earth. At least 1,500 unique species live there - they cannot be found anywhere else on the planet! The water in the lake is so clear that if you drop a coin, it can be clearly seen a hundred feet below the water.B. People who live in the Baikal region believe that it’s a unique and mysterious place. According to them, the water from Lake Baikal can cure different illnesses, gives you strength and clears your mind. They also say that the lake was formed millions of years ago when a huge, hot rock fell to earth. It melted the ice around and that was how Lake Baikal appeared. The story about the meteorite has, however, never been proved by scientists.C. The lake has also become famous for its unique fish and birds that are not found in other waters. The lake is home to more than 1000 animal species. Among them there are the world’s only freshwater seals. There’s no evidence of how the seals got to the lake, but they obviously enjoy their life there. Huge brown bears often come to the lake out of the forest to hunt and fish.D. Though Lake Baikal is located in a very remote place, and is difficult to reach in autumn and winter, it attracts thousands of visitors every year. A chance to see this unique place is worth the long journey! On the banks of Lake Baikal, you can stay in a modern, comfortable hotel, take part in hiking tours and enjoy the untouched natural beauty. People who have visited Lake Baikal once want to return to the place again and again.E. However, the growing popularity of the lake and the industrial development of the region have caused ecological problems. The safety of this unique natural ecosystem has been discussed at an international level. Now Lake Baikal is on the list of heritage sites protected by UNESCO. A federal state law about the conservation of the lake was also supported in Russia.F. The lake attracts not only tourists but also many wildlife researchers, biologists and even archaeologists. The world-famous explorer and scientist, Jacques Cousteau, and his team spent lots of time studying the deep waters of Lake Baikal. They also shot a film about their research that was broadcast by major TV channels all over the world.G. Everyone considers the Siberian climate very severe, which is perfectly true for the Baikal region. The winters there are really freezing - the average temperature is as low as -25 degrees Celsius. Due to its location in the middle of the continent, the place is characterized by a sharp contrast between winter and summer temperatures. The summers are generally cool, with a few hot days. The sun shines brightly above the lake till late autumn.ANSWER KEY1B, 2A, 3D, 4C, 5E, 7F, 8GТема 2.1 Современный мир профессийТестРаздел 1. Чтение.A1Задание 1Прочитайте текст. Определите, какие из приведённых утверждений А7–А14 соответствуют содержанию текста (1–True), какие не соответствуют (2–False) и о чём в тексте не сказано, то есть на основания текста нельзя дать ни положительного, ни отрицательного ответа (3–Not stated).Second CareerJeff Statham: This is my car that I’ve had for years now, made in Canada. I worked in the automotive industry for about the last 12 or 13 years, a plant in Whitby. We produced the seats for the cars built here in Oshawa. Continuous layoffs - and eventually I got hit by them - and now I’m here. I’m currently in the Second Careers program here at Durham College. I’m in the law and security administration program and my ultimate goal is to become a police officer. It’s been great. I love the program.Ted Dionne (Instructor, Durham College): It gives someone like Jeff an opportunity to do something that he may have wanted to do. He probably had it in the back of his mind that he wanted to do something different visualizing what you want to do in the future …Jeff Statham: I’ve wanted to go back to school for years but with shifts it’s hard to do. Money is not always there to do it so this Second Careers covers my schooling and it’s a perfect opportunity for me.Jeanette Barrett (Second Career rep): The Second Career provides financial support to go back to school to do up to a 2-year program. Our Second Career advisor keeps in touch with them.Jeff Statham: I’ve never really had report cards at work worthy of putting on the fridge, but at the end of my first semester I ended up on the dean’s list, so now my mother finally has a report card on her fridge.John Milloy (Minister of Training, Colleges & Universities): For workers like Jeff, Second Career is ideal. We have a network of service providers throughout the province called Employment Ontario and they serve as an entry point for anyone who is looking for a job in the province. We work with them to find the best course of action.Jeff Statham: We have two kids at home that we have to make sure get their homework done, so I’ll make sure I’ll get my homework done as well. Just being in school now I feel a hundred times better, so I’m really looking forward to whatever the future holds.A 7 Jeff Statham has lost his job in the car industry. 1) True 2) False 3) Not statedA 8 Jeff Statham has been studying to get a new profession. 1) True 2) False 3) Not statedA 9 Jeff Statham finds the Second Career program difficult to cope with. 1) True 2) False 3) Not statedA 10 The Second Career program gives a chance to take up a profession of a dream. 1) True 2) False 3) Not statedA 11 Jeff Statham wanted to work at school. 1) True 2) False 3) Not statedA 12 Jeff Statham can only cover the schooling program in the Second Career. 1) True 2) False 3) Not statedA 13 One should have a financial support from his company to do in the Second Career. 1) True 2) False 3) Not statedA 14 Jeff Statham has turned out to be an A student. 1) True 2) False 3) Not statedKEYS: A7 – 1; A8 – 1; A9 – 3; A10 – 1; A11 – 2; A12 – 2; A13 – 2; A14 – 3.Раздел 2. Лексико-грамматический раздел.B1Задание 3.Прочитайте приведённый ниже текст. Преобразуйте слова, напечатанные заглавными буквами, обозначенные номерами В4–В12 так, чтобы они грамматически соответствовали содержанию текста. Заполните пропуски полученными словами. Каждый пропуск соответствует отдельному заданию В4–В18.Requirements for Animal TrainersAlthough in most cases animal trainers need B4. _____(HAVE) a high school diploma or general equivalency diploma (GED) equivalent, some animal trainers must have a В5_______(BACHELOR) degree and additional skills. Marine mammal trainers, for example, generally B6_______(NEED) a bachelor’s degree in biology, marine biology, animal science, psychology, or a В7______(RELATE) field. Animal trainers must be patient and sensitive. Experience with problem-solving and animal obedience В8________ (REQUIRE). Several organizations offer B9________(TRAIN) programs and voluntary certification for those who В10______ (WANT) to enter this field. Demand for animal trainers will grow much B11_____ (FAST) than average for all occupations through 2018 as pet owners utilize B12_______(THEY) services. Demand for marine mammal trainers, however, should grow slowly.One New York graduate who wished to work in a top В13________(ADVERTIZE) agency Googled the names of the creative directors of these agencies and then spent just six dollars on a set of Google ads that were triggered when the В14 ________ (DIRECT) searched for their own names. The В15_________ (ADVERTIZE) said “Hey, (directors name), Googling yourself is В16_______(REAL) a lot of fun. Hiring me is fun, too” Of the five В17_________ (CREATE) directors he targeted, four gave him an interview and two offered him a В18_______(POSE) in their office.Keys: B4 – to have; B5 – bachelor’s; B6 – need; B7 – related; B8 – is required; B9 – training; B10 – want; B11 – faster; B12 – there. B13 – advertising; B14 – directors; B15 – advertisement; B16 – really; B17 – creative; B18 – position.Раздел 3. Перевод.B2Задание 1.Переведите данные предложения на русский язык.1. Alfred was very ambitious and wanted to become a successful and rich businessman.2. Her career plan was to start in a small company and then work for a larger company as she had more experience.3. The job needs having an interest in sales and marketing.4. The finance department of the company has come up with a budget for the newproject.5. In banking as in every other business good management is very important.6. The administration and personnel department of the company is very well organized.7. Toshiba is increasing production of its popular line of laptop computers.8. The Research and Development department of our company has brought out anew project.9. Jerry shows respect to his superiors at work.10. Only twelve people attended the meeting.11. The company organizes many social functions, such as parties every year.12. The company has a small team of experienced sales people.13. The more qualifications you have, the easier it is to find a job.Возможные варианты:1. Альфред был очень целеустремленным и хотел стать успешным и богатым бизнесменом.2. Ее карьерный план состоял в том, чтобы начать в небольшой компании, а затем работать в более крупной компании, поскольку у нее было больше опыта.3. Работа требует наличия интереса к продажам и маркетингу.4. Финансовый отдел компании составил бюджет для новогопроекта.5. В банковском деле, как и в любом другом бизнесе, очень важно хорошее управление.6. Администрация и отдел кадров компании очень хорошо организованы.7. Toshiba наращивает производство своей популярной линейки портативных компьютеров.8. Отдел исследований и разработок нашей компании представилновый проект.9. Джерри проявляет уважение к своему начальству на работе.10. На собрании присутствовало всего двенадцать человек.11. Компания ежегодно организует множество общественных мероприятий, таких как вечеринки.12. В компании работает небольшая команда опытных продавцов.13. Чем больше у вас квалификаций, тем легче найти работу.Задание 2.B1Заполните пропуски в телефонном разговоре данными выражениями: canyou send, can I call you, can you hear, can I help you, don’t have, can’t tell, could I speak to, could you hold, could you repeat, could you speak, could you tell me.Jon: Good morning, the Tech Store, this is Jon speaking.Sara: (1) _______________ someone in Customer Services, please?Jon: Er. Yes, of course, I’ll put you through.Mark: Customer Services, Mark speaking, how (2) ________________?Sara: I’m calling about your new Samsung DVD players. (3) ___________ if youhave any in stock?Mark: I’ll just go and see. (4) _____________the line please?Sara: Yes, no problem, I’ll wait.Mark: Hello? I (5) _________any on the shelves. I’ll need to check the order statuson the computer. (6) ________________back?Sara: Certainly. My name is Sara Hall and my telephone number is 0582 1067.Mark: Sorry, (7) ________________up? It’s a terrible line.Sara: Is that better? (8) I______________ me now?Mark: Yes, that’s much better. (9) _______________the number please?Sara: Of course, It’s 0582 1067. I’ll be on this number all morning.Mark: Sorry, (10) I_____________ you if we’ve got any DVDs in stock right now, but I’ll get back to you as soon as I have information. Was there anything else?Sara: Er, yes, (11) ______________send me a copy of your latest catalogue?Mark: Of course, I’ll put one in the post to you today. What’s your address?Sara: It’s 25 Ridley Lane, LowerОтветы:(1) could I speak to, (2) can I help you? (3) Could you tell me. (4) Could you hold(5) don’t have (6) can I call you back? (7) could you speak (8) can you hear me now? (9) could you repeat the number please? (10) can’t tell (11) can you send meТема 2.2 Проблемы современной цивилизации (для естественно-научного профиля)ТестA1Complete the texts about the weather. Use the words in the box. rain storm thunder freezing lightning winds Many European counties are in chaos this morning because of heavy snowstorms, strong _____ (1) and ______ (2) temperatures. In Germany the temperature is -24 C.Look! There is a great ______ (3) here. It means we can’t go out. We can see ______ (4) over the sea and hear the ______ (5). It’s very loud. It’s cold too. I hope this ______ (6) doesn’t break anything! The keys:winds 2. freezing 3. rain 4. lightning 5. thunder 6. stormА2Задание 1.Прочитайте текст и выполните задания:Pollution SolutionsAdapted from the “Pollution Solutions” article by L. Prescott, which appeared in Ranger Rick magazineAir CareWorldwide, the stinky problem of pollution has grown. More and more factories, cars, and trucks add their bad breath to the air. But the battle against air pollution is also growing. Many U.S. cities still have dirty air. So, most states are ma­king tougher laws against air pollution. And scien­tists are looking for ways to make factories and cars run cleaner.Cleaner Rain?Chemicals called sulfates puff out of coal-bur­ning factories around the world. When the sulfates mix with clouds, acid rain falls and harms lakes, rivers and plants - and the crea­tures that need them. Also, the wind blows the air around. So, sulfates from one place can fall as acid rain many miles away. The good news is that many countries are working hard to end acid rain. Scientists are figuring out ways to make coal burn more cleanly. And in many parts of North America, the number of sulfates in the air has dropped. So less acid rain is falling!Dirty Water?Nearly half of the lakes in North America are pol­luted. Often, companies dump chemical wastes into water. But scientists are finding a solution to this problem, too. Some rivers have been made much cleaner. And there are big plans to clean up the Great Lakes, the Chesapeake Bay, the Mississippi River, and other bodies of water.Good Energy NewsWhen we burn coal and oil for energy, we cause pollution. But little by little we're getting more energy from the sun and the wind. This energy is clean and renewable (that means we'll never run out of it). Energy from the sun now helps heat and light more than 100,000 homes in the United States. More good news: many electric com­panies have discovered that saving energy is better than making more energy. So, they can send experts to homes in the U.S. to look for energy "leaks"-places where energy is be­ing wasted. Everyone needs to have his/her home checked for leaks.Poisons In FoodFarmers often spray chemicals on crops to pro­tect them against pests. These chemicals are called pesticides. Scientists have found that pesticides often end up in our food. Pesti­cides can cause health problems - especially for kids. But here's the good news: the U.S. government is helping farmers find ways to protect crops without us­ing many pesticides.Cleaner CarsCars are the world's biggest air polluters. But scientists are trying to in­vent cars that pollute less. Farmers in Illinois are try­ing a fuel in their tractors made from soybeans. And there are electric minivans being used in at least six U.S. cities.TrashIn 1993, each person in the United States threw away about four pounds (1.8 kg) of trash daily. Put it all together and you'd fill 45,000 trash trucks every day! About 1/3 of this waste comes from packaging. But here's a bit of good news. Some compa­nies have begun to use less packaging. And lot of U.S. cities have started recy­cling projects. In these ways we've begun making less trash. Everyone should look at what they throw away and try to throw away less.So, dear world, you may be covered with dirt and gasping for air. But many people are working hard to fix you, and many kids are rooting for you, too. By the time these kids have grown up, you may do your clean old self again!1. True or False?1. Many U.S. cities have dirty air. T/F2. Most of the states in America don’t have laws against air pollution. T/F3. Scientists are looking for ways to make factories and cars run cleaner. T/F4. Sulfates come out of coal-burning factories only in America. T/F5. Nobody cares about acid rain. T/F6. All of the lakes and rivers in America are polluted. T/F7. Energy is renewable. T/F8. Pesticides can often be found in food. T/F9. Cars don’t cause air pollution. T/F10. In 1993, each person in The United States threw away 45 pounds of trash a day. T/F11. Everyone should throw away less trash. T/FВ1Задание 2.Заполни пропуски данными словами. Одно слово лишнее: pollution, rubbish, cans, environment, packaging, protects, is thrown, in danger, prohibited, pollute, bins, clearing up. People get a lot of food from the sea. Nevertheless, we have made the sea a very dirty place. If we are not careful 1) .......... will kill many of the animals and plants in the sea. A lot of rubbish 2) .......... into the sea. Sea animals, fish and birds are 3) ........... Some animals try to eat the 4) ..........., they die. Oil from the ships, chemicals and waste 5) ........... the sea and kill whales and dolphins, fish and sea birds. Luckily, many people realize now that we must look after the sea and 6) .......... it. They say polluting the sea should be strictly 7) ........... Groups of people who care about the 8) .......... spend their free time clearing up litter from the beaches. People collect 9) ..........., bottles and 10) ..........and put them into different 11) .......... for further recycling.B2Задание 3.Заполни пропуски нужными предлогами. Our planet Earth is our home. It’s big and nice. There are a lot 1) ____ forest, mountains, rivers, lakes, seas and oceans. The forests are full 2) ____ animals.The oceans are full of fishes. We live because we breathe air, drink water and eat food, growing 3) ____ our planet. 4) ____ hundreds of years nature has been serving people. They didn’t think 5) ____ it. Industrial progress has caused certain ecological problem. Factories and plants put waste 6) ____ the atmosphere and water. Air in big cities is awful because of transport. Forests are burnt 7) ____ fires caused by careless people. A lot of animals and birds are killed or die 8) ____ them.Chemical wastes kill fish 9) ____ the rivers, lakes, seas and oceans. Can we solve the problem 10) ____ pollution? Yes, if we plant trees.They clean air 11) ____ our cities. We mustn’t make fires in the forests.We must help animals and birds and not disturb wildlife.Nature riches will not last forever. It’s our duty to do our best to protect the environment.B2 Задание 4.Переведи текст с английского на русский язык.Climatic ChangesClimate is a weather a certain place has over a long period of time. Climate has a very important influence on plants, animals and humans and is different in different parts of the world.But recently the climate has changed a lot, especially in Europe. Scientists think that the reason is greenhouse effect. It is caused by carbon dioxide (углекислый газ). Carbon dioxide is produced when we burn things. Also, people and animals breathe in oxygen and breathe out carbon dioxide. As you know, trees take this gas from air and produce oxygen. But in the last few years people have cut down and burn big areas of rainforest. This means that there are fewer trees and more carbon dioxide.This gas in the atmosphere works like glass in a greenhouse. It lets heat get in, but it doesn’t let much heat get out. So, the atmosphere becomes warmer.Greenhouse effect is sometimes called global warming.ОтветыЗадание 1.1. T 2. F 3. T 4. F 5. F 6. F 7. F 8. T 9. F 10. F 11. TЗадание 2.1) pollution 2) is thrown 3) in danger 4) rubbish 5) pollutes 6) protect 7) prohibited 8) environment 9) cans 10) bins 11) packaging,Задание 3.1) of 2) of 3) on 4) For 5) about 6) in 7) in 8) in 9) in 10) of 11) ofЗадание 4.Возможный вариант.Климатические измененияКлимат - это погода, которая сохраняется в определенном месте в течение длительного периода времени. Климат оказывает очень важное влияние на растения, животных и людей и отличается в разных частях света.Но в последнее время климат сильно изменился, особенно в Европе. Ученые считают, что причина кроется в парниковом эффекте. Это вызвано углекислым газом (углекислый газ). Углекислый газ образуется, когда мы сжигаем вещи. Также люди и животные вдыхают кислород и выдыхают углекислый газ. Как вы знаете, деревья забирают этот газ из воздуха и производят кислород. Но за последние несколько лет люди вырубили и сожгли большие площади тропических лесов. Это означает, что здесь меньше деревьев и больше углекислого газа.Этот газ в атмосфере действует как стекло в теплице. Он пропускает тепло внутрь, но не позволяет большому количеству тепла выходить наружу. Так атмосфера становится теплее.Парниковый эффект иногда называют глобальным потеплением.Тема 2.3. Технический прогресс: перспективы и последствия.Круглый стол-дебаты “Преимущества и недостатки современных технологий" A1 Step 1 Write a list of modern technologies and devices Croup 1. You need to make a list of 4-5 advantages in using modern technologies for your studying. Group 2. You need to make a list of 4-5 disadvantages in using modern technologies for your studying. A2 и вышеGroup 1. You need to make a list of 6-8 advantages in using modern technologies for your work and studying. Group 2. You need to make a list of 6-8 disadvantages in using modern technologies for you work and studying. Step 2Find a person from a group of opponents. Discuss advantages and disadvantages you have in your lists. Say if you agree or disagree.Sample answer:Step 1A1Group 1 I can find a lot of information in the Internet.I can use online-dictionaries. They help me with my homework.I can use my computer to make presentations.We can use our group chat in Telegram/WhatsApp. We can stay at home and we can have some online lessons.Group 2It is difficult to find important information in the Internet.The internet it too slow and I spend a lot of time on my homework.Computers are expensive and they often work slow.We have a lot of messages in our Telegram/WhatsApp chat.We cannot have online lessons; they are very long. A2 и выше Group 1I spend very little time on my homework because I can find a lot of useful information in the Internet.I can use online-dictionaries or some online-translators to help me with my homework.I can use my computer/laptop to create presentations and files for my classes and homework.I can use some apps to improve my English. When I take notes in class, my writing is terrible. Now I have an app to take my notes quickly. Group Chats are great! I always forget what my homework is and when to do it. Group chats help me to remember. The brain must react quickly to the amount of new interesting information. Group 2When I want to find some information, I click on links to visit other sites, I find a lot of info but I need to doublecheck it. Students think that they don't need to study foreign languages because they have online-dictionaries and online-translators. Computers and modern applications are too expensive. Students spend too much time on their laptops/mobiles, they are always too busy. Students become more dependent on things such as calculators and mobiles.Step 2 A1S1- I can find a lot of information in the internetS2- Yes, you can. But it is difficult to find it in the internet. S1- I agree/I disagreeS1- I can use online-dictionaries. They help me with my homework.S2- I agree. The internet it too slow and I spend a lot of time on my homework.S1- I agree/I disagree A2 и выше S1 - I spend very little time on my homework because I can find a lot of useful information in the Internet.S2- I don't agree. You need to doublecheck all the information you find or you look for. S1- Yes, I do agree with you. Тема 2.4. Выдающиеся люди родной страны и страны/стран изучаемого языка, их вклад в науку и мировую культуруДоклад с презентацией “Знаменитые личности в моей профессии” A1A famous online magazine invited you to give your opinion by writing an article on the following subject:The top of my profession Write an article about a famous person.In your article write:what his/her name is/waswhere he/she is/was fromwhat he/she is famous forwhy you think he/she is an interesting personYou need to write 60-80 wordsA2 и вышеA famous online magazine invited you to give your opinion by writing an article on the following subject:The top of my profession Write an article about a famous person.In your article write:what his/her name is/waswhere he/she is/was fromwhat he/she is famous forwhy you think he/she is an interesting personYou need to write 80-100 wordsSample answerA1Jamie Oliver is the most famous chef in the world. He is from Great Britain. He has a lot of restaurants. He writes books, takes part in TV programs and TV shows. He cooks simple food and teaches people how to cook simple dishes at home. I think he is a very interesting person; I often use his recipes when I want to cook something tasty at home.A2 и выше Jamie Oliver is a genius. He is one of the most famous Britain's cooks. His TV programmes are shown all over the world. His books are translated into different foreign languages. He devotes his time not only to cooking. He is a family man, he works on a number of projects and helps poor people. I think he is very creative and imaginative, he has so many ideas. He encourages people to spend more time in the kitchen and enjoy it. Тема 2.5. Деловое общение (для гуманитарного профиля)Групповой проект «Продвижение своего колледжа»Уважаемые студенты, вы изучили искусство публичного выступления, узнали принципы составления эффективных презентаций, узнали, как и где можно продвигать продукт, осознали значимость команды и распределение задач при решении проблемы. Вам предстоит создать групповой проект «Продвижение своего колледжа» и представить результат спонсорам.Примите во внимание следующие моменты:1. Кто и что будет публично сообщать2. Презентация PowerPoint должна быть яркой, краткой и действенной3. В каких СМИ/социальных сетях вы можете продвигать колледж. Можете заранее разместить посты4. Отличный результат получается при слаженной командной работеПри проверке студенты получают чек-листы для оценивания результатов друг другаКомандная работаСколько человек выступалиГромко и четко?ПрезентацияЯркаяПонятнаяСМИ/социальные сетиКакие соцсети выбрали для продвижения?Есть ли готовые посты?3.3. Для рубежного контроляСеместр 1A1Task 1. Read the text and mark the sentences true (T), false (F) or doesn’t say (DS).British artists living abroadArticle by James NobleSally Campbell is a 32-year-old actress from London, but right now, she’s living in Paris in a flat that overlooks the Seine. Sally’s mother is French, which means Sally can speak the language perfectly. Sally is very talented. She likes acting in films, but she can also sing and dance brilliantly and she currently has a leading part in a French musical. She can also play the piano very well. In her spare time, Sally likes to relax at home by watching romantic films. She has no plans to return to Britain.Tom Hammond is from Glasgow, but he lives in New York. He’s 18 and he’s a music student. Tom can play the piano and the guitar very well. He also writes songs with his friend John. Tom writes the music and John writes the lyrics. When they’re happy with a new song, they usually perform it to students at the college. They love to have an audience and would really like to be in a band. When he isn’t composing, Tom downloads his favourite music from the Internet.Hannah Brown is a writer. She’s from Manchester, but she lives in Italy. Hannah is 25 and likes writing romantic novels. Her ambition, of course, is to be a published writer, so she writes every day for at least four hours. Her favourite time to write is early in the morning, but she sometimes works late at night too. In the afternoons, Hannah works as a waitress in a café. She doesn’t really enjoy this part of her life, but she needs the money to stay in Italy.Example: Sally is English. T1 Sally writes music for films.2 She can’t sing very well.3 Her uncle teaches her to play a musical instrument.4 Tom plays two musical instruments very well.5 Tom's friend plays football.6 Tom and John play their songs at university.7 Hannah speaks Italian perfectly.8 She doesn't like writing in the evening.9 Hannah sometimes works late.10 All three people live in Europe.Task 2 Write Sally, Tom, or HannahExample: Tom lives in America.1 __________ studies music.2 __________ is not happy about her work.3 __________ acts in films.4 __________ has a friend who writes songs.5 __________ wants to stay in another country.Task 3. Choose the correct answer, A, B, or C.Example My cousin’s mum is my aunt B) uncle C) nephew1. … there three stereos in the living room? No, there … .A) Are / aren’t B) Are / are C) Are / not D) Are / *2. You watch films at the A) theatre B) cinema C) church3. Her grandmother is 85 but she runs every morning. She’ s reallyA) lazy B) outgoing C) active4. You can get to the museum … tram.A) by B) on C) in5. There are a lot of books on the … in my bedroom.A) desk B) fridge C) mirror6. …. your parents have a pet?A) Are B) Do C) Does7. John …. a bath every day.A) don’t get B) isn’t find C) doesn’t take8. I never … up early at the weekend.A) make B) get C) stand9. We meet … Friday .. the museum.A) on.. at B) at …in C) in .. near10. We … snowboarding in the mountains every January.A) take B) do C) go Task 4. You have got a letter from your English-speaking friend Max. He asks you to write about your family and plans for the future. Write a short e-mail. In your e-mail writewho your parents arewhere they workhow they get to workwhat profession you want to havewhy you would like to have this profession.Write about 60-80 words.KeyTask 1 1. F 2. T 3. DS 4. T 5. DS 6. F 7. DS 8.DS 9. T 10. FTask 2 1. Tom 2. Hannah 3. Sally 4. Tom 5. SallyTask 3 1A 2B 3C 4A 5 A 6B 7 C 8B 9 A 10 CTask 4 Dear Max,My mother’s name is Lilia. She is very beautiful and clever. She works as an engineer. My father’s name is Vitaly. He’s tall and strong. He works in the shop. We live in a flat in the city. My parents go to work by bus or trolley-bus.I want to be a cook. I want to work in a good restaurant. I love cooking and my father cooks well. What profession do you want to have?Best wishes,TamaraA2Task 1. Read the text and mark the sentences true (T), false (F) or doesn’t say (DS).Looking for loveLooking for Love is an agency that finds partners for single people of any age. Read about Lisa.My name’s Lisa. I’m 25 years old and I’m from Manchester. I’m single and I’m looking for love.I’m a journalist on a local newspaper, which means I write stories about local issues and sometimes I interview politicians. I like my job, but I’d like to work on a national newspaper one day. That’s because I want to have the opportunity to work abroad.I have a small group of friends who I’ve known for years. I even went to school with some of them! I’m not really extrovert but I do like going out and having fun. We usually go out to parties, nightclubs, and restaurants. I also like cooking and I make great pasta! My ideal night in is a good meal, a glass of wine, and a DVD. I like thrillers much more than I like romantic comedies!I’m not very sporty, but I like to keep fit. I stopped smoking last year and now I go running twice a week and I sometimes go to the gym at weekends. I eat lots of fruit and vegetables and I try not to have red meat or too much coffee. At work, I drink water or tea.I prefer men who are interested in serious issues because I like talking about politics and what’s happening in the world. However, I also like men with a good sense of humour. These characteristics are more important to me than physical appearance.Please contact Looking for Love if you think you’re the kind of person I’m looking for!Example Lisa is married. F1 Lisa often has to interview politicians in other countries. 2 Lisa met all her friends a long time ago.3 Lisa is very funny.4 Lisa doesn’t like romantic books. 5 Lisa goes jogging every week. 6 Lisa often has tea with milk. 7 Lisa prefers attractive men.Task 2. Read the article again. Choose the correct answers.Example: Looking for Love is ____ for young people. AA) an organization B) a website C) a magazine1 Lisa wants to work ____A) for a famous person B) for a different website C) in a different country2 She knows some of her friends A) from school B) from college C) from her first work3 She doesn’t usually go to ___ with her friends.A) restaurants B) museums C) nightclubs4 She enjoys watching ___A) horrors B) thrillers C) cartoons5 She _____ at the weekend. A) goes to the gym B) goes running C) cooks6 She used to ___ A) make pasta B) drink coffee C) smoke7 She is interested in men who are___A) active B) outgoing C) seriousTask 3. Which notice (A-H) says this (1-5)? For questions 1-5, mark the correct letter A-H on the answer sheet. EXAMPLE ANSWER 0 You can buy photographs in this shop that were taken by someone who lives nearby. E You can learn how to paint here.APassport photographsare ready in 5 minutesIf you go shopping here this week,you’ll pay much less than usual. BMonika’s art class willbe in room 31 todayThis place is not open every day. CCity MuseumTalk on 16th century artistsWednesday, 6.30 pm £2You won’t have to wait long beforeyou get your pictures.DThe Art Centre library isNow closed on FridaysSomeone has just painted a door inthis building.EWinton StoresPostcards by our villagephotographer on sale inside FHomestoreall paint half-price – for one month only GWet Paint!Please use other entrance HBurley Art ClubSale of paintings starts MondayTask 4. Listen to Susan describing a holiday. Tick (V) A, B, or C to complete the sentences.1. Susan went on holiday in _____.A) September B) October C) November 2. The hotel was _____.A) cheap B) uncomfortable C) expensive 3. The bus was _____ than the train.A) slower B) more expensive C) more comfortable4. The weather was _____.A) windy and dry B) rainy and windy C) sunny but wet5. On the island, they didn’t go to _____.A) a restaurant B) a beach C) a shopTask 5. You have received a letter from your English-speaking friend Max. He asks you to write about your family and plans for the future. Write a short e-mail. In your e-mail writeabout your parents and their jobstheir routine at workwhat profession are you going to take and why.Write about 80- 100 wordsAnswer KeyTask 1. 1F 2T 3DS 4F 5 T 6 DS 7 FTask 2. 1C 2A 3B 4B 5A 6C 7C 8ATask 3.1B 2H 3D 4A 5GTask 4. 1A 2C 3A 4B 5BTask 5 Sample answerDear Max,Well, my family is rather small: my parents and me. My mother Lily works as an engineer at a factory. She’s good at drawing. My father Vitaly works as a shop assistant. I’m not going to choose any of their professions because I’m not good at mathematics. I’m interested in cooking and I’ll go to cooking classes. I’d like to have my own restaurant. I sometimes create new things in the kitchen. What about you?Best wishes, TamaraListening script for (task 4)Last September my boyfriend and I went on holiday to Thailand. It was a disaster. The flight arrived in Bangkok nine hours late. There we were at eleven o’clock at night, and we didn’t have anywhere to stay and we didn’t know how to get into the city centre. So, we stayed at the airport hotel, which was very comfortable but really expensive.The next day, we wanted to take a train south to the islands. But we couldn’t because we couldn’t book any seats. The trains were full. So, in the end, we went by bus and by boat. It was cheaper but it took a lot longer. And when we got to the island we wanted to get to, we couldn’t believe it! Where was the sun? It was raining really heavily. And the weather was windy and wet for days. It was awful. We went to restaurants and we went shopping, but we didn’t spend any time on the beach. We couldn’t sunbathe or go swimming, so we just argued for a week…B1Read the article and tick (✓) A, B, or C.We interviewed three people about how family and friends have affected their personalities.Maria StanovichI’ve always had a strong relationship with my family. An important influence on my personality was my grandmother, Hannah. She was born in 1930 into a poor family with seven children – they had to take very good care of each other in order to survive. Growing up in such difficult conditions had a positive effect on her, teaching her to share everything, be honest, helpful, hard-working, and affectionate. My grandmother taught me all these things, making me realize that family is more important than material possessions.Katie DupontThe people around you have the greatest influence on your life – they affect the way you behave and think. As soon as Rob and I met, we connected. When Rob was young, his father died in a motorcycle accident. Being brought up as an only child by a single parent made him independent and ambitious. He left home at 16, and since then has lived in different places and had various jobs. He’s taught me that it’s important to find time for friends and family and to do what makes you happy. He always has fun, trying new things, keeping his mind and body healthy, and he still works hard to achieve his goals. I greatly admire Rob and I hope that one day I can look at life in the way that he does. Jed MitchellI spent many hours as a child listening to my uncle Wilson’s stories. He was the youngest of 11 children whose family lived in a fishing town in Scotland. Life was hard and with so many mouths to feed, the children began working from an early age. At just 14, my uncle began his first job as a fisherman. That was the beginning of his adventures – he travelled and worked in Alaska, South-East Asia, India, and Africa. He educated himself, learnt to be a chef, an engineer, a farmer, and photographer. Uncle Wilson taught me that life is special and that you should take every opportunity that you can to fill it with adventure. Example: Katie believes that your family and friends don’t influence you.A) True B) False ✓ C) Doesn’t say 1 Maria has a close relationship with her family.A) True B) False C) Doesn’t say 2 Maria’s grandmother had seven children.A) True B) False C) Doesn’t say 3 Maria’s grandmother is still alive.A) True B) False C) Doesn’t say 4 Growing up in a big family made Maria’s grandmother less selfish.A) True B) False C) Doesn’t say 5 Katie met Rob at work.A) True B) False C) Doesn’t say 6 Katie knew she and Rob would be good friends because they immediately got on well.A) True B) False C) Doesn’t say 7 Katie thinks Rob lives his life in a positive way.A) True B) False C) Doesn’t say 8 Jed’s uncle’s first job was as a chef.A) True B) False C) Doesn’t say 9 Jed thinks people shouldn’t waste any chances in life.A) True B) False C) Doesn’t say 10 Jed would like to travel like his uncle did.A) True B) False C) Doesn’t say Task 2.Write the correct form of the adjectives.Example: The people in Ireland are some of the friendliest (friendly) in the world.1 I think this design is ________ (interesting) than that one.2 When we all checked in, Sarah’s luggage was ________ (heavy).3 Is transport here ________ (expensive) as in your country?4 The trains in Japan are ________ (modern) I’ve ever travelled on.5 That was probably ________ (bad) meal we’ve ever had in a restaurant!6 She looks much ________ (good) with long hair.7 My new office is ________ (tiny) as my last one.Task 3.Complete the dialogues with the verbs. Use the present perfect simple or the past simple.Example: I’ve been to Beijing, but I’ve never been (not / go) to Shanghai.John How long 1 ________ (you / know) each other?Keira Well, we 2 ________ (meet) in 1998 and we’ve been good friends since.Doctor What seems to be the problem? Mike I 3 ________ (fall) over playing basketball. I think I 4 ________ (break) my finger.Sean Hello, could I speak to Mr Jackson, please?Alison I’m sorry, he 5 ________ (just / go) into a meeting.Jennie 6 ________ (you / take) out any money from the cash machine this morning?Alex No, because I had £30 in my wallet. Will 7 ________ (you / ever/ lend) anyone your car?Tom Yes, I lent it to my brother and I would never do it again!Task 4.Read the article and tick (✓) A, B, or C.How I got my dream jobAre you still looking for your dream job? Don’t give up. Here’s how three people achieved their goals.Mario Mendes, 29 – I’m doing something I really enjoy. I’m part of a team that develops new technologies. I workwith intelligent, interesting people and occasionally get to travel abroad. I won’t pretend it was easy getting my dream job, but it was worth the effort. My advice? Decide exactly what your dream job is and what it involves. Learn about the job. Make contact with companies that couldoffer your chosen career. Make sure they know your strengths. You may just get that dream job.Andy Collins, 46 – As a student, I earned $295 a week in cash working in a beach café. At the time, it was my dream job! Later I became a chef. It was hard work, I was often in a hot kitchen for twelve hours a day, six days a week. But you have to know the meaning of hard work if you want to achieve your goals. I now own five restaurants around the U.S. My best advice is to find out what your skills and talents are. Talent is something you’re born with. Skills are something you’ve learned to do. People like doing things that come naturally to them, so work and enjoy!Sarah Cooper, 38 – I’d been working as a secretary for three years when I decided to change my career. My work was often boring and always busy. I started studying to become a teacher. It certainly wasn’t easy; I continued working full-time to pay for my training at night school. I was exhausted most of the time, but after two years, I finally got my qualifications and resigned. I’m now a primary school teacher and it’s as good as I imagined. So don’t wait! Write a list of the things that are stopping you from getting your dream job. Make a plan to deal with each thing. There’s always an answer. Example: Mario is ______.A very interesting B self-employed C very happy with his job ✓1 Mario sometimes ______.A enjoys his job B travels abroad C works in a team 2 Mario thinks he got his dream job because ______.A he’s intelligent B it was easy C he did a lot of preparation 3 When Andy was young, his dream job was to ______.A become a chef B have his own restaurant C work in a café by the beach 4 When he was a chef, Andy ______.A earned $295 a week B didn’t enjoy his job C didn’t get much time off 5 Andy says it’s important to know ______.A your goals B what you’re good at C what you enjoy doing 6 It took Sarah ______ years to train to be a teacher.A five B three C two 7 Sarah’s job as a secretary wasn’t very ______.A hard B exciting C easy 8 Sarah studied ______.A full-time B at evening classes C during the day 9 Sarah advises people to ______.A plan how they can achieve their goals B become primary school teachers C continue working while they train 10 Who has become a successful businessman / woman?A Andy B Mario C Mario and AndyTask 5.You have received a letter from your English-speaking friend Max. He asks you to write about your family and plans for the future. Write a short e-mail. In your e-mail writeabout your parents and their jobstheir routine at workwhat profession are you going to take and why.Write about 100-120 wordsKeyTask 1. 1A 2C 3C 4A 5C 6A 7A 8B 9A 10CTask 2. 1 more interesting 2 the heaviest 3 as expensive 4 the most modern 5 the worst 6 better 7 as tinyTask 3. 1 have you known 2 met 3 fell 4 ’ve broken 5 ’s just gone 6 Did you take 7 Have you ever lentTask 4. 1B 2C 3C 4C 5B 6C 7B 8B 9A 10 ATask 5. Sample answer Dear Max,Thanks for your letter. My family is quite common. My mum Lilia works as an engineer at a factory. She’s calm and never loses her temper. I suppose it helps her to deal with my father Vitaly, who is rather active. He’s a shop assistant and makes good money. They both leave home early in the morning, do their everyday work which I find boring, and come home to spend time with me)To tell you the truth, I’m not going to become either a shop assistant or an engineer. You remember I’m good at cooking, so I’m thinking about starting my own restaurant one day. But first I need to take a course in cooking.Have you decided what to do in the future?Best wishes,TamaraСеместр 2A1Task 1. Complete the sentences with the correct word.Example: My brother’s daughter is my____. Cgranddaughter B) sister C) niece1 I work for a newspaper. I’m a ____________.A) journalist B) politician C) lawyer2 My sister works in an office. She’s a ____________.A) builder B) musician C) receptionist3 My mother’s brother is my ____________.A) grandfather B) nephew C) uncle4 Can I use my credit ____________, please?A) wallet B) card C) money5 The opposite of expensive is ____________.A) safe B) cheap C) empty6 The opposite of safe is ____________.A) dangerous B) difficult C) different7 You can buy food at a ____________.A) pharmacy B) market C) post office8 We eat in the ____________.A) bathroom B) garage C) dining room9 I need some ____________ for this letter.A) keys B) stamps C) coins10 My father’s a ____________. He flies all over theworld.A) pilot B) builder C) nurseTask 2. Complete the sentences. Use the verbs in brackets.Example: They didn’t drive (not drive) to Edinburgh, they got the bus.1 Steven ________________ (not be) at work on Tuesday.2 I ________________ (buy) a new car last weekend.3 Who ________________ (be) the three greatest people of the twentieth century?4 Emma ________________ (write) him a message four days ago.5 I think we ________________ (not have) a holiday next month.6 Elizabeth and Ben ________________ (have) three dogs.7 ________________ you ever ________________ (break) your arm?8 They have an exam on Thursday so they ________________ (study) now.9 My brother ________________ (listen) to classical music at the moment.10 Look! James is carrying a lot of boxes. ____ he ______(have) a party next week?11 She ________________ (not like) writing e-mails.12 How often ________________ you ________________ (use) your smartphone?Task 3. Read the text. Mark the sentences true (T), false (F) or doesn’t say (DS)The frozen extremes of the earthThe Arctic in the north and the Antarctic in the south are at opposite ends of the planet, but they are similar in many ways. Both are lands of ice and snow, where the temperature in winter can be so low that your skin can freeze in seconds – it can be as low as –80°C. Very few animals are able to survive these conditions, but there are some both in the north and in the south. The Arctic has more plants and animals than the Antarctic, including polar bears, the largest bear in the world. In the south there are no land animals because of the extreme cold, but there are penguins and other sea animals that live on or near the coast – although both in the north and the south the sea is frozen for much of the year. One difference between the Arctic and the Antarctic is the human population. In parts of the Arctic there are towns and villages. Greenland, for example, the largest island in the world, has a population of 55,000 people. Many of these people work in fishing. They have a difficult life. There aren’t many roads between towns and villages, so people travel by snowmobile or with dogs. From November to January, it’s dark for 24 hours a day, but from May to July there are 24 hours of daylight. In the Antarctic there are no normal towns and villages. Only scientists live there all year round, in special buildings called ‘stations. They study the sea animals and learn about the history of the world’s climate by studying the weather and the ice. It’s a hard place to live, especially in winter, but many of them love it there and return again and again. Example: The Antarctic is the coldest place in the world.A True B False C Doesn’t say V1 There aren’t any animals in the Antarctic.2 No people live in the Antarctic.3 There aren’t any towns in the Antarctic.4 It is usually –80°C in the Antarctic.5 The sea in the Antarctic is usually frozen.6 There aren’t any sea animals in the Arctic.7 In Greenland, people don’t work in winter.8 There aren’t many roads in Greenland.9 In Greenland in October it’s light all the time.Task 4. Read the text once again. Write the Arctic or the Antarctic.Example: It’s at the South Pole. the Antarctic1 Scientists sometimes live here in stations. 2 No land animals live here. 3 People live here all the time. 4 There are more plants here.5 In December it’s dark for 24 hours a day.6 There aren’t any towns or villages here.Task 5. Translate into Russian. You have got 30 minutes. Use a dictionary.Rice puddingIt is flavoured with cardamom, raisins, saffron, cashew nuts, pistachios or almonds. It is typically served during a meal or as a dessert.INGREDIENTSHalf glass of rice (any rice)A sauce pansMilkCardamom2tbs sugar1 Fill the sauce pan, not all to the top, bring to a boil and add rice. When boiled put low heat and simmer till rice is soft and mushy. If the water is reduced and rice is not cooked. You can add more water 2 When it is cooked add sugar and if you want more flavour, open cardamom pods and add seeds only 3 Stir then add milk enough to cover rice, bring to boil then lower heat and stir4 Put heat up again to this, three times stirring occasionally5 When the pudding is done leave it to cool6 You can have the rice pudding warm or cold. You can also add broken pieces of almonds and pistachios and serve.Answer Keys:Task 11A 2C 3C 4B 5B 6A 7B 8C 9B 10ATask 2is not/ isn’tboughtwerewrotewill not/ won’thavehave… brokenare studyingis listeningis … having/ is… going to havedoesn’t like/ does not likedo… useTask 3.1F 2F 3T 4DS 5T 6F 7DS 8T 9FTask 4.1 the Antarctic2 the Antarctic3 the Arctic4 the Arctic5 the Arctic6 the AntarcticTask 5. (Sample answer)Рисовый пудингЕго приправляют кардамоном, изюмом, шафраном, орехами кешью, фисташками или миндалем. Его обычно подают во время еды или в качестве десерта.ИНГРЕДИЕНТЫПолстакана риса (любого риса)КастрюляМолокоКардамон2 столовые ложки сахара1 Наполнить кастрюлю, не доверху, доведите до кипения, добавьте рис. Когда закипит, поставьте на слабый огонь и варите, пока рис не станет мягким и кашеобразным. Если вода выкипит, а рис не сварится, добавьте больше воды.2 Когда рис будет готов, добавьте сахар, а если вы хотите больше аромата, откройте стручки кардамона и добавьте только семена.3 Перемешайте, затем добавьте молока так, чтобы оно покрывало рис, доведите до кипения, уменьшите огонь и перемешайте.4 Прогрейте трижды, периодически помешивая5 Когда пудинг будет готов, дайте ему остыть.6 Вы можете есть рисовый пудинг теплым или холодным. Вы также можете добавить кусочки дробленого миндаля и фисташки и подавать.A2Part 1. Listen to two people discussing candidates at a job interview.Choose A, B, or C.1. Mark doesn’t get the job because he _____.A) is too old B) has too little experience C) isn’t good enough2. Gemma doesn’t get the job because she _____.A) is inexperienced B) has no qualifications C) is unfriendly 3. Luke doesn’t get the job because he _____.A) usually works in Italy B) has just left his job C) hasn’t had a job for a long time4. David doesn’t get the job although he is good at _____.A) managing people B) solving problems C) wasting time5. Susie doesn’t get the job because she is _____.A) not intelligent enough B) too lazy C) not the hardest workerPart 2 Questions 6-10Read the sentences (6-10) about camping. Choose the best word (A, B or C) for each space. For questions 6-10, mark A, B or C on the answer sheet.EXAMPLE 0 A lot of families prefer to …………… on a campsite because it is cheaper than a hotel. A) keep B) stay C) travel ANSWER B6. For some campsites, you have to phone and …………… before you go. A) bookB) takeC) spend7. Some people play loud music on campsites so it can be very ……………. A) angryB) busyC) noisy8. One of the nicest things about camping is ……………… breakfast outside. A) doingB) havingC) putting9. It is better to use plastic cups and plates for camping because they don’t ………… easily. A) break B) hurt C) fail10. One problem with camping is making …………… insects don’t get into the tent. A) carefulB) clear C) surePart 3 Questions 11-15Complete the five conversations. For questions 11-15, mark A, B or C on the answer sheet.EXAMPLE ANSWER- Where do you come from? A) New York. A B) School. C) Home.11. Is it a good film? A) That’s right. B) It’s OK. C) I don’t agree.12. I’m going to Tom’s party tonight. A) Can I go too? B) Let’s go. C) Was it good?13. When did you lose your watch? A) Once a week. B) For six days. C) A month ago.14. Sorry, I don’t understand you. A) Let me explain. B) I don’t know. C) What does it mean?15. Shall we ask Paul to come with us? A) I believe it. B) I’m sure. C) If you like.Questions 16-20Complete the telephone conversation between two friends. What does Jennifer say to Lily?For questions 16-20, mark the correct letter A-H on the answer sheet.EXAMPLE ANSWER Lily: Hi Jennifer, it will be lovely to see you on Friday.Jennifer: ……….. B Lily: What time is your train?Jennifer: 16 ……………Lily: OK. I’ll meet you. Would you like to go out that evening?Jennifer: 17 ……………Lily: If you want to. Then on Saturday we can go to the new shopping centre. Jennifer: 18 ……………Lily: And in the evening we can go to Oliver’s party.Jennifer: 19 ……………Lily: Oh anything. It doesn’t matter.Jennifer: 20 ……………Lily: Yes. It’s a good place for a party. See you on Friday, then.A I have to go home at 6 o’clock.B Yes, I haven’t seen you for so long.C I’ve heard it’s really big.D Is he still living in the same house?E It should arrive early afternoon.F How long will we stay with him there?G I think I’ll be tired. Shall we just stay at home?H Great! What should I bring to wear? Part 4 Questions 21-27Read the article about a man who swam across New Zealand’s Cook Strait.Are sentences 21-27 “Right” (A) or “Wrong” (B)?If there is not enough information to answer “Right” (A) or “Wrong” (B), choose “Doesn’t say” (C).For questions 21-27, mark A, B or C on the answer sheet. David swims the Cook Strait David Johnson has loved swimming all his life. When he was 27, he swam in a race near the home in the USA. The sea was very cold and David started to feel unwell. He was taken to hospital but he soon got better and started swimming again. In 1983, he became the first person to swim from Santa Cruz Island to the Californian Coast.In January 2004, at the age of 52, David crossed New Zealand’s Cook Strait in 9 hours and 38 minutes. The oldest swimmer before David was only 42 years old. David spent over a year getting ready to swim the Strait. Then, he and his wife flew to New Zealand so that David could practise for a few weeks there. But only days after they arrived, the weather improved so David decided to start his swim. He did it with the help of a team. “They were great,” David said. “They were in a boat next to me all the time! After a few hours, I thought about stopping but I didn’t and went on swimming.”Afterwards, David and his wife travelled around New Zealand before returning to the USA.0 Example: Answer: A David Johnson has always enjoyed swimming. A) RightB) Wrong C) Doesn’t say21. David Johnson had problems during a swimming competition in the USA. A) RightB) WrongC) Doesn’t say22 After 1983, many people swam between Santa Cruz Island and the Californian coast.RightB) WrongC) Doesn’t say23 In January 2004, David was the first person of his age to swim across the Cook Strait.RightB) Wrong C) Doesn’t say24 David practised for more than a year to swim across the Cook Strait.RightB) WrongC) Doesn’t say25 David was in New Zealand for a long time before he swam across the Cook Strait.RightB) WrongC) Doesn’t say26 David’s wife was in the boat beside him when he swam the Cook Strait.RightB) WrongC) Doesn’t say27 David had to stop for a short time while swimming the Cook Strait.RightB) WrongC) Doesn’t sayPart 5 Questions 28-35Read the article about doing homework. Choose the best word (A, B or C) for each space 28-35.For questions 28-35, mark A, B or C on the answer sheet.Doing homeworkIt is a good idea to 0 your homework early. If you can do it 28 your evening meal, you will have 29 time later to do things that you enjoy, like talking 30 the phone. It is also better to do homework as soon as possible after the teacher has given it to you. Then, if the homework is difficult and you 31 time to think about it, you will 32 have time to do it. Always turn off your mobile phone and the television when you 33 doing homework. You will work a lot 34 without them. Make sure you have a quiet place to work, with 35 light and a comfortable chair. EXAMPLE ANSWER C0 A) starting B) started C) start 28. A) since B) before C) until29. A) more B) much C) most30. A) by B) at C) on31. A) should B) need C) must32. A) still B) yet C) already33. A) have B) are C) were34. A) fastest B) fast C) faster35. A) enough B) all C) manyPart 6. Translate into Russian. Use the dictionary. You have 30 minutes.You can enjoy the rich flavor and delightful aroma of freshly ground coffee beans without having to spend extra money on a coffee grinder simply by using your blender.Step 1 - Set Up Your BlenderPut your blender on a flat surface on the counter and plug it in. The flat surface is really important so the blender's vibrations do not cause other things to fall off the counter.Step 2 - Decide how Finely You Need to Grind the BeansDifferent kinds of coffee makers require different beans. Medium ground beans work best for a Drip maker. This means that when you pour the ground coffee into your hand, some will stick together, while most will fall away. Espresso Machines tend to do best with medium-fine grounds. In this case most will stick together, but individual grounds can be easily seen. French Press Makers require a more coarse texture so that the grinds do not stick together at all.Step 3 - Pour Your Coffee Beans into the Blender And Grind AwayStart with a small amount of beans in the blender until you can figure out exactly how much ground coffee your beans will yield. As you have more experience, you will be better able to determine the right amount of coffee beans to put into your blender, but typically, a handful of beans should yield one to two tablespoons of ground coffeeKeyPart 1. 1B 2D 3E 4A 5CPart 2. 6 A 7 C 8 B 9 A 10 CPart 3.11 B 12 A 13 C 14 A 15 C 16 E 17 G 18 C 19 H 20 DPart 4.21 A 22 C 23 A 24 A 25 B 26 C 27 B Part 5.28 B 29 A 30 C 31 B 32 A 33 B 34 C 35 A Part 6. (Sample answer)Вы можете наслаждаться богатым вкусом и восхитительным ароматом свежемолотых кофейных зерен, не тратя лишних денег на кофемолку, просто используя блендер.Шаг 1 — Настройте свой блендерПоложите блендер на плоскую поверхность на столе и подключите его к сети. Плоская поверхность очень важна, чтобы вибрации блендера не приводили к падению других предметов со стола.Шаг 2. Решите, насколько мелко вам нужно измельчить бобы.Для разных кофеварок требуются разные зерна. Зерна среднего помола лучше всего подходят для кофеварок капельного типа. Это означает, что, когда вы насыпаете молотый кофе себе в руку, некоторые из них слипаются, а большая часть отваливается. Эспрессо-машины, как правило, лучше всего работают с зерном среднего помола. В этом случае большинство из них слипнутся, но отдельные частички легко просматриваются. Кофеварки типа френч-пресс требуют более грубой текстуры, чтобы помол не слипался.Шаг 3. Насыпьте кофейные зерна в блендер и измельчитеНачните с небольшого количества зерен в блендере, пока не сможете точно определить, сколько молотого кофе получится. По мере того, как у вас будет больше опыта, вы сможете лучше определить, сколько кофейных зерен нужно положить в блендер, но, как правило, горсть зерен должна давать от одной до двух столовых ложек молотого кофе.ScriptPam So, what do you think about Mark? Do you think we should give him the job?Bob Mmm. I don’t know. If he weren’t as young as he is, I’d definitely give him a chance, but I don’t think he has enough experience.Pam Neither do I. Although he’d probably be good at it, we need someone who’s older.2Bob I thought Gemma was someone who has some experience of the job. And she was very open and got on with verybody.Pam Well, yes, she had great personal qualities, but she hasn’t finished her university course or passed any exams yet. I think we should find somebody who’s actually finished university.3Pam So, do you think Luke is better than the others?Bob Well, he’s older. He used to work for a major company in Italy, but he left that job five years ago and he hasn’t worked since. I don’t think he’s very good and perhaps he’ll get bored quickly. I think we need someone who has more recent experience of this sort of job.4Bob David might be the person we’re looking for. In this job you have to spend a lot of time managing other people and he’s good at that.Pam Well, yes, I agree, although I don’t think David’s very good at solving problems and, in this job, that’s as important as being able to manage. 5Pam Shall we give the job to Susie, then? She won’t be the most experienced person we’ve ever employed, but she’ll work harder than most, that’s for sure.Bob Mmm. But I think we need someone who is more intelligent than Susie. I don’t think she’s bright enough.В1Part 1Questions 1–5Look at the text in each question. What does it say? Mark the correct letter А, В or С on your answer sheet.Example 0: Answer: A0. NO BICYCLESAGAINST GLASSPLEASEA. Do not leave your bicycle touching the window.В Broken glass may damage your bicycle tyres.С Your bicycle may not be safe here1.To: All studentsFrom: College SecretaryMonday 6 MayCan I remind you that all essays are due thisFriday. No late work will be accepted unlessaccompanied by a doctor’s letterA The college secretary will post students their essays on Friday.B Students may hand in their essays after Friday if they can prove illness.C Unless your essay is due by Friday, you do not need to reply2.TAKE ONE TABLETTHREE TIMES A DAYAFTER MEALSFINISH THE PRESCRIPTIONA Take the tablets regularly until the bottle is empty.B Take one tablet every day until they are finished.C Take three tablets after meals until you feel better3.Ben,Why not bring your new game round tonight – we can use my brother’s PC. I’m playing football till 7.00, so anytime after that.Kim.Kim suggestsA meeting at the football match.B going to Ben’s house later.C playing on his brother’s computer4.FREE SOFA!(Owner moving backto New Zealand)Must have transport – collect from Johnany evening this week. Phone 452611to arrange a suitable timeA John can deliver the sofa if the time is convenient.B Anyone wanting this sofa must pick it up this week.C Call John with advice on how he can transport his sofa.5.BOAT HIREINSURANCE INCLUDEDFUEL EXTRANO HIDDEN CHARGESThe hire charge covers all the costsA including fuel and insurance.B except insurance.C apart from fuelPart 2Questions 6–10The people on the next page (6-10) all want to buy a book for a young person. On the opposite there are descriptions of eight books (A-H). Decide which book would be the most suitable for the following people.BOOKS FOR CHILDREN6Marta wants a course in Business Studies and English, starting in September. She would prefer to be in a city, but wants a college which will organise visits, so she can see something of BritainA Lowton CollegeSituated in a pleasant area of the city close to the river. Convenient for North Wales and the English Lake District.• Courses in English run all year.• Part-time courses available in the evenings/days.• We will arrange accommodation with an English family7Jean wants to attend classes for a few hours a week in July, so that he has plenty of free time to visit the countryside. He wants to stay in a city, with a family.B Bristow CollegeThe college is in the centre of Bristow.• Full-time courses at all levels, beginners to advanced, from September to June.• Visits arranged to places of interest.• Excellent range of sports offered.• Students arrange their own accommodation in flats and houses.8Laura is looking for a full-time beginners’ course and can come to Britain at any time. She is keen on sport and wants to stay with a family. C Shepton CollegeShepton College is in the centre of London close to underground and buses.• Classes are offered all through the year.• Daytime English courses up to ten hours per week. Evening classes of four hours per week.• Extra classes offered in English for Business.• Students arrange their own accommodation in flats and houses. 9Marek likes big cities. He hopes to find work during the day, so he is looking for an evening class. He wants to live in a flat or house. D Frampton CollegeSituated in West London close to bus and underground.• Courses run from September to July (daytime only).• Special courses available, e.g. English for Business.• Summer school in July and August.• Accommodation arranged in student hostels.10Birgit is going to spend August in Britain. She knows some English already and wants a full-time course. She wants to meet people through the college and live with a family.E Daunston CollegeDaunston is a small town in the Midlands near pleasant countryside.• Part-time and full-time classes available from September to June.• Full-time summer school in August.• Complete beginners part-time only.• Trips and other social events arranged regularly.• Accommodation in the college or with families.11 F Exford CollegeExford is beside the sea and surrounded by beautiful countryside.• Courses at all levels, September to June (full-time).• Summer schools (mornings only) during August.• Full social programme including sports and hobby clubs provided by the college.• Students live in college rooms or with families.12 G Chesford CollegeSituated in the centre of Chesford, a quiet market town.• English courses offered from September to June, daytime and evenings.• Trips organised to Cambridge, Oxford and London.• Accommodation is with local families.13 H Howe CollegeThe college is in the city centre, but near the North Yorkshire countryside and the sea.• Classes run from September to June.• Part-time and full-time courses from beginners to advanced (daytime only).• Full-time courses in English with Business Studies.• Trips arranged to places of interest.• Help given in finding a flat or room in the area. Part 3Questions 11–20Look at the sentences about an English city.Read the text to decide if each sentence is correct or incorrect.If it is correct, mark A on your answer sheet.If it is not correct, mark В. 11. The River Wensum flows through East Anglia.12. People have lived by the River Wensum for at least 2000 years.13. In the 11th century, Norwich was a small village.14. Norwich has been a city since its first cathedral was built.15. Norwich has always been one of the smallest English cities.16. There are more than 50 churches in Norwich.17. The number of students in Norwich is increasing.18. The Norwich City football team is called ‘The Canaries’ because of the colours the player’s wear.19. ‘The Castle Mall’ took more than two years to build.20. Norwich people still like using the old market as well as shopping in ‘The Castle Mall’.NorwichNorwich, the capital of the part of Britain known as East Anglia, has existed as a place to live for more than two thousand years. It began as a small village beside the River Wensum. At the time of the Norman invasion in 1066 it had grown to become one of the largest towns in England.With two cathedrals and a mosque, Norwich has long been a popular centre for various religions. The first cathedral was built in 1095 and has recently celebrated its 900 th anniversary, while Norwich itself had a year of celebration in 1994 to mark the 800 th anniversary of the city receiving a Royal Charter. This allowed it to be called a city and to govern itself independently.Today, in comparison with places like London or Manchester, Norwich is quite small, with a population of around 150,000, but in the 16 th century Norwich was the second city of England. It continued to grow for the next 300 years and got richer and richer, becoming famous for having as many churches as there are weeks in the year and as many pubs as there are days in the year.Nowadays, there are far fewer churches and pubs, but in 1964 the University of East Anglia was built in Norwich. With its fast-growing student population and its success as a modern commercial centre (Norwich is the biggest centre for insurance services outside London), the city now has a wide choice of entertainment: theatres, cinemas, nightclubs, busy cafés, excellent restaurants, and a number of arts and leisure centres. There is also a football team, whose colours are green and yellow. The team is known as ‘The Canaries’, though nobody can be sure why.Now the city’s attractions include another important development, a modern shopping centre called ‘The Castle Mall’. The people of Norwich lived with a very large hole in the middle of their city for over two years, as builders dug up the main car park. Lorries moved nearly a million tons of earth so that the roof of the Mall could become a city centre park, with attractive water pools and hundreds of trees. But the local people are really pleased that the old open market remains, right in the heart of the city and next to the new development. Both areas continue to do good business, proving that Norwich has managed to mix the best of the old and the new.Part 4Questions 21–30 Read the text below and choose the correct word for each space.For each question, mark the correct letter А, В, С or D on your answer sheet. Example: 0 A) of В) down С) in D) throughTHE ROCKIESThe Rocky Mountains run almost the length (0) .......... North America.They start in the North-west, but lie only a (21) .......... hundred miles from the centre in more southern areas. Although the Rockies are smaller (22) .......... the Alps, they are no less wonderful.There are many roads across the Rockies, (23) .......... the best way to see them is to (24) .......... by train. You start from Vancouver, (25) .......... most attractive of Canada’s big cities. Standing with its feet in the water and its head in the mountains, this city (26) .......... its residents to ski on slopes just 15 minutes by car from the city (27) ...........Thirty passenger trains a day used to (28) .......... off from Vancouver on the cross-continent railway. Now there are just three a week, but the ride is still a great adventure. You sleep on board, (29) .......... is fun, but travel through some of the best (30) .......... at night.21. A) many В) lot С) few D) couple22. A) from В) toС) asD) than23. A) butВ) becauseС) unlessD) since24. A) driveВ) travel С) rideD) pass25. A) aВ) one С) theD) its26. A) letsВ) allowsС) offersD) gives27. A) centre В) circleС) middleD) heart28. A) leaveВ) getС) takeD) set29. A) whenВ) whichС) whoD) where30. A) scenery В) viewС) siteD) beautyPart 5 Translate into Russian. Use a dictionary. You have 30 minutes.How To Grind FlaxseedThere are several ways of grinding flaxseeds into powder to get the full health benefit. These include the use of a blender or food processor, a coffee grinder, or manual methods like mortar and pestle.Each of these ways comes with its uniqueness to grind flax seeds to a powder. This article answers the question by reviewing the best ways to grind flaxseeds.Can You Grind Flaxseeds in A Blender?Blenders or food processor is a common kitchen appliance to grind. If you want to grind flaxseeds in a blender or food processor, you will need to add at least a cup of flaxseed into the blender or food processor for it to work properly.This method takes several minutes as you need to regulate the speed of your blender or food processor, stop, shake, and blend again until your flaxseed is ground to your desired consistency.Using a blender or food processor to grind flaxseed is time-consuming as you have to continue regulating the speed, and grind again to achieve your result.While using a blender or food processor, care needs to be taken to prevent the flax seeds from turning into paste due to the high quantity of oil present in them.KeyPART 1: 1B, 2A, 3C, 4B, 5C;PART 2: 6H, 7A, 8F, 9C, 10E;PART 3: 11A, 12A, 13B, 14B, 15B, 16B, 17A, 18B, 19A, 20A;PART 4: 21C, 22D, 23A, 24B, 25C, 26B, 27A, 28D, 29B, 30APart 5. (Sample answer)Как измельчить льняное семяЕсть несколько способов измельчения семян льна в порошок, чтобы получить максимальную пользу для здоровья. К ним относятся использование блендера или кухонного комбайна, кофемолки или ручные методы, такие как ступка и пестик.Каждый из этих способов имеет свои уникальные особенности измельчения семян льна в порошок. Эта статья отвечает на вопрос, рассматривая лучшие способы измельчения семян льна.Можно ли измельчить семена льна в блендере?Блендер или кухонный комбайн — это обычный кухонный прибор для измельчения. Если вы хотите измельчить льняное семя в блендере или кухонном комбайне, вам нужно будет добавить в блендер или кухонный комбайн как минимум чашку льняного семени, чтобы он работал правильно.Этот метод занимает несколько минут, так как вам нужно отрегулировать скорость блендера или кухонного комбайна, остановить, встряхнуть и снова смешать, пока льняное семя не будет измельчено до желаемой консистенции.Использование блендера или кухонного комбайна для измельчения льняного семени отнимает много времени, так как вам нужно продолжать регулировать скорость и снова измельчать, чтобы добиться желаемого результата.При использовании блендера или кухонного комбайна необходимо соблюдать осторожность, чтобы семена льна не превратились в пасту из-за большого количества присутствующего в них масла.3.4. Для промежуточной аттестацииУРОВЕНЬ А1.ЧАСТЬ 1 – ГРАММАТИКА, ЛЕКСИКАI’m … New York.A) inB) forC) atD) ofIs your surname Anderson?A) Yes, you are. B) Yes, it is. C) Yes, I am. D) Yes, my is.A Mercedes is … German car.A) aB) anC) theD) *Ann is … wife.A) John’sB) John isC) John’s isD) JohnShe … a uniform.A) wearB) to wearC) wearingD) wearsAnna likes Joanna, but Maria doesn’t like … .A) herB) themC) yourD) theirWhat time is it?3:45A) It is quarter past three.B) It is fifteen past four.C) It is quarter to four.D) It is fifteen to three.She … a bus to university.A) always takesB) always takeC) takes alwaysD) take alwaysThis doll is a present for my … . I hope she likes it.A) husbandB) nephewC) nieceD) uncle… sells things.A) A postmanB) A nurseC) A doctorD) A shopkeeperI like Tom … I don’t like his wife.A) andB) butC) becauseD) so… did you buy your new jacket?At supermarket.A) WhatB) WhenC) WhereD) HowMy brother is … a book.A) ridingB) readingC) speakingD) playingMadison doesn’t like working. She is ….A) happyB) poorC) richD) lazyI’ll look in my … and see if I’m free on Wednesday.A) diaryB) dictionaryC) briefcaseD) calendarDo you want to … biscuit?A) eatB) seeC) playD) readWhere … they born?They … born … .A)were / were / in 1995B)was / were / in ItalyC) were / were / in DenmarkD) was / were / in 1995New York is …. Paris.A) dirtyB) dirtier than C) the dirtiestD) dirtierI … him three months ago.A) seeB) seesC) sawD) seenHe takes photos only … spring.A) inB) atC) onD) byKey1A 2B 3A 4A 5D 6A 7C 8A 9C 10D 11B 12C 13B 14D 15A 16A 17C 18B 19C 20AЧАСТЬ 2 – ЧТЕНИЕ Задание 21Read the letter and do the tasks on the text Dear Ann,Thank you for asking to come and visit you and your family next month. It is a great idea. I'm really interested in visiting new places. I like museums and old churches very much. I also like visiting art galleries - there are so many fascinating things to see there. I know there is one in your town. Can we visit it? You say that there isn't a sport center in your town but is there a swimming pool? I enjoy swimming a lot and I love diving. Is there also a place to eat fish and chips? Fish and chip shops are great! The only problem is that I don't know what to take with me: warm shoes, a jumper, boots? What's the weather like in your area? In my town it rains a lot and that's why I always carry an umbrella with me. And what about other things? For example, a camera?Please send me a leaflet about your town and a street map. One last question - how old is your sister, Gina? I want to bring her a present. Would she like the new Celine Dion CD? See you soon!JosephineRead the sentences and choose T (TRUE) or F (FALSE) 1.Josephine likes going places. 2.Josephine is interested in visiting old churches 3.There is a big sports center in Ann's town 4.Josephine wants to buy Ann a Celine Dion CD 5.Josephine's hobbies are swimming and diving Read the questions and answer Y (YES) or N (NO) 6.Does Josephine want to visit Ann next week? 7.Does Josephine know what to take on her trip?8.Is there an art gallery in Ann's town?9.Does Josephine like fish and chips?10.Does Josephine want to get a street map of Ann's town?Ответы: 21 T 22 T 23 F 24 F 25 T 26 N 27 N 28 Y 29 Y 30 YЧАСТЬ 3 – ПЕРЕВОД (30 минут) Уровень A1 Переведите рецепт. TiramisuINGREDIENTS200 gr mascarpone cheese50 gr dark chocolate2 tbsp coffee6-7 lady fingers1 bsp cacao2 eggs1-5 tbsp powdered sugarCooking: 1. Separate egg yolks, add sugar and mascarpone, beat until light and creamy2. Put coffee and cacao in the batter3. Then quickly dip the fingers in the cold coffee top with 2 tbsp of cacao-mascarpone mixture4. Then one lady finger, and 2 tbsp of coffee-mascarpone mixture, finish it with dust of chocolate. Repeat it until it is a few layers. Put the dish in the fridge for about an hour.KeyТирамисуИнгредиенты200 граммов маскарпоне50 граммов темного шоколада1 чайная ложка кофе6-7 печений Савоярди/ Дамские пальчики1 столовая ложка какао2 яйца1-5 ст. л. сахарной пудрыПриготовление еды:1 Отделить яичные желтки, добавить сахар и маскарпоне, взбить до легкой и кремообразной консистенции2 Добавьте в тесто кофе и какао.3 Затем быстро окуните печенья в холодный кофе, покройте сверху 2 столовыми ложками смеси какао и маскарпоне.4 Затем выкладывайте печенья и по 2 столовые ложки смеси кофе и маскарпоне, посыпьте шоколадной крошкой. Повторяйте это, пока не будет несколько слоев. Поставьте блюдо в холодильник приблизительно на час.УРОВЕНЬ А2Paper 1 Reading and Writing (1 hour)Reading Part 1 Questions 1–5Which notice (A-H) says this (1-5)? For questions 1-5, mark the correct letter A-H on the answer sheet. EXAMPLE ANSWER 0 You can sleep here. F 1You must not play football here.ABRIDGE CLOSED TO TRAFFIC BECAUSE OF HIGH WIND.2You may be late. BDELAYSPOSSIBLE3You should not leave your car here.COLYMPIC SPORTS CENTRE- use your student card here.4You can study here soon.DDO NOT PARK INFRONT OF THE GARAGE5You cannot drive here today.ECAR PARK£2.00 for 2 hours FGUEST HOUSE GNO BALL GAMESON GRASS HCOMPUTER COURSE STARTSON MONDAY Part 2. Questions 6-10Read the sentences (6-10) about cooking. Choose the best word (A, B or C) for each space. For questions 6-10, mark A, B or C on the answer sheet. EXAMPLE ANSWER0 Claudia was going to cook a …………… for her parents. B A) food B) meal C) plate 6. She …………… some fruit and vegetables from the market. A) bought B) kept C) grew7. She cut up some meat and onions and fried them in a pan on theA) cooker B) cupboard C) fridge8. There was a big …………… of salad to eat afterwards.A) bottle B) bowl C) spoon9. When everything was …………… they all sat down at the table.A) real B) round C) ready10. After dinner Claudia’s parents …………… her to wash up.A) practiced B) agreed C) helped Part 3. Questions 11-15Complete the five conversations. For questions 11-15, mark A, B or C on the answer sheet. EXAMPLE ANSWER A- Where do you come from? A) New York. B) School. C) Home.11. How far is it to Manchester?11. A) About two months.B) It’s quite long.C) Almost 30 kilometers.12. Could you give me the butter? A) Here you are.B) Thank you.C) I don’t know.13. John hates shopping.A) I love it.B) It’s six pounds.C) The shop’s open. 14. I’ve already done my homework.A) When did you do it?B) Please do it.C) Have you done it yet?15. What’s the date today?A) It’s Thursday.B) The third, I think.C) I’m 22 today. Questions 16-20Complete the conversation. What does Howard say to the hotel receptionist?For questions 16-20, mark the correct letter A-H on the answer sheet. EXAMPLE ANSWER Receptionist: Good morning. Can I help you?Howard: 0 …………… D Receptionist: Will that be a single room?Howard: 16 ……………Receptionist: How long do you want to stay, sir?Howard: 17 ……………Receptionist: For one night, that will be £54 per person.Howard: 18 ……………Receptionist: Yes, it is. How would you like to pay, sir?Howard: 19 ……………Receptionist: That’ll be fine. Your room number is 401. Do you need any help with your luggage?Howard: 20 ……………Receptionist: Here is your key, sir. I hope you eenjoy your stay with us.A) I want to pay tomorrow morning.B) Is that with breakfast?C) That’s all night.D) I’d like a room, please.E) No, I’d like a double, please.F) Just tonight, I think. How much will that be, please?G) No, thank you. I only have one small suitcase.H) By cheque if that’s possible. Part 4 Questions 21-27Read the article about a British Airways manager and then answer the questions.For questions 21-27, mark A, B or C on the answer sheet. WORKING FOR AN AIRLINENicola Peet left school at eighteen, went to college and then worked at a local airport. After nine months, she went to work for Saudi Arabian Airlines and then she joined British Airways as an air hostess. Four years later, she got her present job as a manager.This is what she told us about her job:“My office is at Heathrow Airport, but I spend 60 % of my time in the air. I teach air hostesses and help them with any problems. I also go to lots of meetings.My hours are usually from 8 a.m. to 4 p.m. but sometimes I work from 1 p.m. to 9 p.m. At work,the first thing I do is check plane times on my computer and then I speak with some of the air hostesses.Sometimes I go on long flights to check how the air hostesses are doing. That’s my favourite partof the job, but I like office work, too. Travelling can be hard work. When I get back from a longjourney, all I can do is eat something and then go to bed! I don’t earn much money, but I’m happywith British Airways and want to stay there and continue to travel.” 0ExampleNicola’s first job was Answer CA)at a collegeB)with Saudi Arabian AirlinesC)at a local airport21. When Nicola first started working for British Airways, she wasA) a manager.B) an air hostess.C) a pilot.22. Nicola does most of her workA) in the office.B) in aeroplanes.C) in meetings.23. Most days, Nicola starts work atA) 8 a.m.B) 1 p.m.C) 4 p.m.24. At the beginning of each day, NicolaA) goes to a meeting.B) talks to air hostesses.C) works with her computer.25. What does Nicola like best?A) flyingB) working in the officeC) helping people26. The first thing Nicola does after a long journey is A) go to bed.B) have a meal.C) go to the office.27. Nicola would like toA) stay in the same job.B) stop travelling.C) earn more money. Part 5. Questions 28-35Read the article about a working holiday. Choose the best word (A, B or C) for each space 28-35.For questions 28-35, mark A, B or C on the answer sheet. The Ruwenzori MountainsMary Daniels is a student in England. This year she 0 a very interesting summer holiday. She travelled 28 fifteen other people to the Ruwenzori Mountains in Africa. They went there to help make a road 29 a forest between two big towns. “It was very difficult 30 there was no water to drink and no shops where we 31 buy food”, said Mary. “It was also very cold and wet in the mountains. It is 32 of the wettest places in the world. Mary stayed in the mountains 33 six weeks. It was hard work, but she says it was the 34 thing she has ever 35 . She is hoping to return next year to do some more work there. EXAMPLE ANSWER 0 A) had B) have C) has A 28.A to B with C by29.A throughB onC among30.A soB becauseC why31.A couldB mustC may32.A oneB someC any33.A forB duringC since34.A goodB bestC better35.A didB doC done Writing Part 6 Questions 36-40Read the descriptions (36-40) of some clothes. What is the word for each description?The first letter is already there. There is one space for each other letter in the word.For questions 36-40, write the words on the answer sheet. EXAMPLE ANSWER0 You put this on your head. H A T 36. These are often made of leather and you wear them on your feet. s _ _ _ _37. This is a jacket and trousers in the same colour. s _ _ _38. This will keep you dry in wet weather. r _ _ _ _ _ _ _39. When the weather is too hot for long trousers, men and women often wear these with a T-shirt . s _ _ _ _ _40. You can put this on over a T-shirt if you feel cold. s _ _ _ _ _ _KEY 1G11C21B31A2B12A22B32A3D13A23A33A4H14A24C34B5A15B25A35C6A16E26B36shoes7A17F27A37suit8B18B28B38raincoat9C19H29A39shorts10C20G30B40sweaterЧАСТЬ 2 ПЕРЕВОДУровень А2. Переведите информацию о вебкамерах, совместимых с iPhone. (933 п.з.) Вы можете пользоваться словарем.EpocCam AlternativesIf you're not satisfied with EpocCam, there are a few other apps that allow you to use your iPhone as a webcam. 1. iCamiCam is a paid app that can turn an iPhone into a webcam. The mobile app is just one part of the equation; like EpocCam, you'll also need the iCamSource component on your computer. Once you have both apps installed, you can stream live video and audio from any iOS device. iCam also works as a security camera; it can send you instant alerts if it detects motion or sound. All motion events are automatically backed up to the cloud. In addition to the original iCam, the company also offers iCam Pro with some additional features.2. iVCamiVCam is specifically designed for iPhone owners who have a Windows PC---you cannot use iVCam to stream your iPhone's video output to a Mac.The app works via WLAN or USB and allows you to connect multiple phones to one computer at the same time. You can stream video in 1080p, 720p, 480p, or 360p resolution. This multi-connection aspect means the software is ideal for anyone who wants to use their old iPhone as a CCTV device, a baby monitor, or a pet cam.Sample answerАльтернативы ЭпокКэм (EpocCam)Если вас не устраивает EpocCam, есть несколько других приложений, позволяющих использовать iPhone в качестве веб-камеры. 1. айкам (iCam)iCam — это платное приложение, которое может превратить iPhone в веб-камеру. Мобильное приложение — это только одна часть уравнения; как и в случае с EpocCam, вам также понадобится компонент iCamSource на вашем компьютере. После установки обоих приложений вы можете транслировать живое видео и аудио с любого устройства iOS. iCam также работает как камера безопасности; оно может отправлять вам мгновенные оповещения, если обнаруживает движение или звук. Все движения автоматически сохраняются в облаке. Помимо оригинального iCam, компания также предлагает iCam Pro с некоторыми дополнительными функциями.2. айвикам (iVCam)iVCam специально разработан для владельцев iPhone, у которых есть ПК с Windows — вы не можете использовать iVCam для потоковой передачи видео с вашего iPhone на Mac.Приложение работает через WLAN или USB и позволяет одновременно подключать несколько телефонов к одному компьютеру. Вы можете транслировать видео в разрешении 1080p, 720p, 480p или 360p. Этот аспект множественного подключения означает, что программное обеспечение идеально подходит для всех, кто хочет использовать свой старый iPhone в качестве устройства видеонаблюдения, радионяни или камеры для домашних животных.УРОВЕНЬ В1.Paper 1. Reading and Writing (1 hour)ReadingPart 1.Questions 1–5Look at the text in each question.What does it say?Mark the correct letter A, B or C on your answer sheet.Example:0Please ring bell once and wait for door to open automaticallyA) Someone will open the door when you ring the bell.B) The door will open after you ring the bell.C) You can open the door after ringing the bell.Answer: 0 B 1.ClaireTom needs to get the concert tickets. If you don’t want to go, can you tell him? If he doesn’t hear from you, he’ll buy you one.A) Tom wants Claire to get a concert ticket for him.B) Tom can’t go to the concert and wants Claire to use his ticket.C) Tom will get Claire a ticket unless she tells him not to.2.TRIP CANCELLED ONTHURSDAY. GO TO OFFICEFOR REFUNDA) You can get the money you paid for Thursday’s trip from the office.B) If you haven’t paid for Thursday’s trip, you should go to the office.C) The trip which was cancelled will now take place on Thursday.3.MumThe computer store can deliver your new computer tomorrow or you can collect it. They close at 5.30 today, so can you tell them which you prefer?LukeA) Luke is offering to collect the computer from the shop for his mother.B) Luke’s mother needs to collect her computer from the shop by 5.30 today.C) Luke’s mother should decide today if she can fetch her computer from the shop.4. Take bicycles for repair toside entrance of shop.Front entrance for sales only.A) Use either entrance if you want to buy a bicycle.B) Use the side entrance if your bicycle needs mending.C) Use the side entrance if the front entrance is closed.5. Bella thinksA) she has found Stefan’s hat.B) Stefan has taken her hat.C) Stefan has lost his homework.StefanI can’t find my hat. It’s a bit like yours so maybeyou picked it up by mistake when we weredoing our homework together last night.BellaPart 2.Questions 6–10The people below all want to watch a TV programme.In the second column there are descriptions of four TV programmes.Decide which programme would be the most suitable for the following people.For questions 6–10, mark the correct letter (A–H) on your answer sheet. 6. Ivan and Anna like to keep up to date with what’s happening in the world and enjoy seeing interviews with politicians and other people. They prefer to watch programmes which last about 30 minutes.A. Find out about the life of jazz musician, Bert Randall, in this hour-long documentary which shows him performing live concerts during his life. There are interviews with members of his family and people he worked with.7. Fatima likes watching comedy programmes which last about half an hour. She enjoys watching a series where she can follow what the characters are doing from one episode to another.B. This is the weekly chance to try to get a better score than the celebrities in the studio, who range from pop musicians to politicians. As usual Billie Flannagan spends a half hour asking the two teams the questions. They need to be experts in a wide range of topics from music to animals to international news.8. Rosa enjoys pop music and films and wants to watch interviews withpopular celebrities. She likes programmes which are a mixture ofinterviews and live music.C. Find out about the latest news, both international and local, with Aaron Willis every day between 6.00 and 6.30 in the evening. His interviews with those in the news, whether they are politicians or journalists, always get to the point of a story.9. Grace is interested in travelling and she likes watching documentariesabout different parts of the world. She especially enjoys programmeswhich show animals and birds.D. Every Saturday evening between 8.30 and 9.30, Kevin Connery presents an hour of fun and entertainment. As usual in the new series, there is music and chat with well-known stars from the world offilm, music or comedy. Each guest is interviewed and then one of them performs their latest song live.10. William is keen on general knowledge and likes watching quizzes tosee how many questions he can answer. He prefers those which havequestions on lots of different subjects.E. There are three half-hour episodes of the popular soap South Street on our TVs every week. There’s lots going on this week when Cathy returns from hertrip round the world to find Felicity has moved into her flat and all Cathy’s things have disappeared. She is not pleased and shows her feelings. F. Robert Burroughs first visited the Amazon rainforest 40 years ago. Since then, he has travelled all around theworld showing us amazing scenery, animals and different ways of living. Now he returns with a series about the Amazon and we see again the amazingwildlife of this beautiful area. G. On the Way is a short comedy film made 30 years ago. The actors were unknown at the time but they have since become famous. The main character, Zak, decides to travel to India but he takes a variety of animals with him on the journey. They soon become a problem. H. Joel and Charlie return for another series of The Shop.They work in a supermarket where things seem to go wrong every day. This series should be as funny as the last, with a new manager in the shop and some unexpected events in each 30-minute programme.Part 3.Questions 11–20Look at the sentences below about a hotel.Read the text to decide if each sentence is correct or incorrect.If it is correct, mark A on your answer sheet. If it is not correct, mark B on your answer sheet. 11. During the 1980s, few tourists used to go to the Arctic in summer.12. People came in large numbers to Jukkasjärvi to see the Arctic Hall.13. The artist encouraged people to sleep in the Arctic Hall.14. Each winter, guests come and sleep in the hotel before it is finished.15. Progress when building the hotel is influenced by the weather.16. The temperature inside the hotel changes according to the temperature outside.17. Some clothes are provided by the hotel.18. Guests should buy boots which fit as tightly as possible.19. Items ordered through the ICEHOTEL shop will be delivered to your home.20. It is possible to take a train from the airport to the ICEHOTEL.THE ICEHOTELFor many years the Arctic was a popular destination in the summer season to see the land of the midnight sun but in winter the few inhabitants had the snow and ice to themselves. By the end of the 1980s it was decided that the dark and cold winter should be seen as an advantage. In the winter of 1990, the French artist Jannot Derit was invited to have the opening of an exhibition in a specially built igloo (a building made of snow) in the little town of Jukkasjarvi on the frozen Torne River. The building, named Arctic Hall, attracted many interested visitors to the area. One night a group of foreign guests decided it would be a good idea to sleep in the Arctic Hall. Thefollowing morning the brave group were very pleased with their experience and the idea of an ice hotel was born. Today it is world famous.As soon as winter begins, a team of snow builders, architects and artists from all over the world come to Jukkasjarvi and they make the hotel for that year. As one part is completed, it opens to visitors and overnight guests, while the other parts are still being built. The first part is completed in December and each week after that a new part opens, until January 7th when the hotel is completed. As the ICEHOTEL is built under the open sky, using the natural materials of the winter season, the finishing date depends on nature and therefore there are sometimes changes to the plan. In the spring, as the weather gets warmer, the hotel melts.Inside the hotel, the temperature is never colder than –5 °C to –8 °C, however cold it may be outside. Winter outer clothes such as warm overalls, hats and gloves are included in the cost of guests’ stay at the hotel. In addition to this, it is a good idea for guests to bring sweaters and a scarf as well as plenty of woolen socks and to choose footwear that is larger than normal to allow space for thick socks.If you are planning to come to the hotel, you can buy warm sweaters, woolen socks and much more on the ICEHOTEL website. You can order these and the equipment you will need at the same time as you book your visit. The items will be delivered to your room when you check in. The hotel is in the village of Jukkasjarvi, 200 km above the Arctic Circle but only 15 km from Kiruna airport and 17 km from Kiruna train station. Transport by bus can be arranged from the airport or train station to the IceHotel. Part 4.Questions 21–30Read the text below and choose the correct word for each space.For each question, mark the correct letter A, B, C or D on your answer sheet. Example:0 A) was B) had C) did D) has Answer: 0 A The SkywalkThe Grand Canyon in the United States (0) _______ created by the River Colorado. People visit the Grand Canyon Park to go walking and running but (26) ______ to look at the view. It is a wonderful view made (27) ____ better by the Skywalk. The distance (28) ______ the Skywalk to the bottom of the Grand Canyon is 1219 metres. It is a platform (29)_____ walls and floor are built of glass (30)_____ that you can see the beautiful rocks of the canyon. Up to 120 people are allowed to stand on it at the same (31) ______. It opened in 2007 and since (32)_____ thousands of people have used it. You have to (33) ______ special covers over your shoes to (34)______ scratching the glass beneath your feet. Walking onto the Skywalk makes you (35) ______ like a bird floating high up in the air.21.A) hugelyB) mainlyC) greatlyD) completely22.A) alreadyB) suchC) moreD) even23.A) fromB) throughC) byD) for24.A) whoB) whereC) whoseD) which25.A) thereforeB) althoughC) soD) because26.A) dayB) period C) hourD) time27.A) thenB) thereC) thatD) this28.A) take B) wearC) dress D) change29.A) avoidB) keepC) holdD) let30.A) believeB) wishC) consider D) feel WritingPart 1.Questions 1–5Here are some sentences about a hairdresser’s.For each question, complete the second sentence so that it means the same as the first.Use no more than three words.Write only the missing words on your answer sheet. Example:0 The hairdresser’s I go to is beside the supermarket.The hairdresser’s I go to is __________ to the supermarket. Answer:0 next 1. My friend told me she always went there, so I started going too. My friend said, ‘I always ___________ there’, so I started going too.2. It has been there for four years. It has been there __________ four years ago.3. It stays open until seven o’clock. It ____________ close until seven o’clock.4. I have my hair cut there every six weeks. The hairdresser _____________ my hair every six weeks.5. Men’s haircuts are cheaper than women’s haircuts. Men’s haircuts are less ____________ women’s haircuts. Part 2.Question 6You went away for the weekend with your English friend Alex and his family.Write an email to Alex. In your email, you should• thank him• say what you enjoyed most• invite Alex to do somethingWrite 35–45 words on your answer sheet. KEYSReadingPart 1.1 C 2 A 3 C 4 B 5 BPart 2.6 C 7 H 8 D 9 F 10 BPart 3.11 B 12 A 13 B 14 A 15 A 16 B 17 A 18 B 19 B 20 BPart 4.21 B 22 D 23 A 24 C 25 C 26 D 27 A 28 B 29 A 30 DWritingPart 1. 1 go 2 since 3 doesn’t 4 cuts 5 expensive thanPart 2. Dear Alex,Thank you for the weekend. Your parents are great and your brother Jim is cool! I really loved roller skating in the park with you and him. Why don’t you come to me to go trekking in the mountains?RickЧАСТЬ 2 –ПЕРЕВОДУровень В1. Переведите инструкцию к мессенджеру Slack. (1194 п.з.) У Вас есть 30 минут, Вы можете пользоваться словарем. Надписи на картинках переводить не нужно.How to use Slack: your quick start guideWelcome to Slack – a messaging app for business. Slack transforms the way that organisations communicate by bringing people together to work as one unified team. To get started, download the desktop app and take a look at the video and guide below for a quick tour.SidebarFrom the sidebar, you can access your conversations in Slack. You'll see a list of channels that you've joined and your direct messages, notifications for specific conversations and the option to compose new messages. You can use the compose button to write and send a message to any conversation. Messages automatically save as drafts in the Drafts section of your sidebar until you’re ready to send them.ChannelsChannels are fundamental to working in Slack – they bring the right people and information together in one place, and make it possible to organise work around a common purpose.From the channel header, you can access details about the channel that you're in. Click on the channel name to see details such as the channel topic and description, plus any added files. Use the other tabs to see who's in the channel and view other conversation settings.Message fieldWhen working in Slack, you have a variety of messaging options available from the message field to help you communicate and connect with your team. Add files to your messages to share important information alongside your team's discussions.Sample answerКак использовать Slack: краткое руководствоДобро пожаловать в Slack — приложение для обмена сообщениями для бизнеса. Slack меняет способы общения в организациях, объединяя людей для совместной работы. Чтобы начать работу, загрузите приложение для компьютера и посмотрите видео и руководство ниже для краткого ознакомления.Боковая панельНа боковой панели вы можете получить доступ к своим разговорам в Slack. Вы увидите список каналов, к которым вы присоединились, и ваши личные сообщения, уведомления для определенных разговоров и возможность создавать новые сообщения.Вы можете использовать кнопку «Создать», чтобы написать и отправить сообщение в любую беседу. Сообщения автоматически сохраняются как черновики в разделе «Черновики» на боковой панели до тех пор, пока вы не будете готовы их отправить.КаналыКаналы имеют основополагающее значение для работы в Slack — они объединяют нужных людей и информацию в одном месте и позволяют организовать работу вокруг общей цели.В заголовке канала вы можете получить доступ к сведениям о канале, в котором вы находитесь. Нажмите на название канала, чтобы просмотреть такие сведения, как тема и описание канала, а также любые добавленные файлы. Используйте другие вкладки, чтобы узнать, кто находится на канале, и просмотреть другие настройки беседы.Поле сообщенияПри работе в Slack у вас есть множество вариантов обмена сообщениями, доступных в поле сообщения, которые помогут вам общаться и поддерживать связь с вашей командой. Добавляйте файлы в свои сообщения, чтобы делиться важной информацией в обсуждениях вашей команды.
